Persistent Cat

I think he said he was from there, no?

I often imagine things about Terry Crews, never briefly and never about being a dad. And he doesn't get away.

I think we can all agree a lot of things didn't make sense at the hospital. I liked the episode but it was messy.

It was in her mouth, yes, but you don't engage. I'm a woman. If that happened to me, I wouldn't give any reaction at all, not anger, not interest, nothing.

"I dunno, I don't really care."

Gross, disgusting predator trying to push things into your mouth? You don't accept because he'll just see it as an invitation, regardless if you suck it or bite it. You don't draw anymore attention to your mouth.

I'd probably use the term "rape" over "sleeping with" in regards to Gorman. But yes, I don't understand her logic there. Why would a woman want to rule over an army of rapists?

I think it's more enjoyable to just go with the implausibility rather than expect proper police work. If you start picking that element apart, you won't be able to enjoy the show.

Oh, it's pure hilariousness. We always find ourselves watching it for the ridiculousness.

I don't want this show to get the police stuff right, I find it funnier that it's all so implausible. This is a show that featured a street brawl between cops and firemen, that's how it must stay.

I laughed hard at that guess. He just seemed so excited that that could be it.

What about, "am I the only one who…?" vs "I can't be the only one who…."

Beth did tell Dawn Gorman and Joan (names??) were heading to her office looking for her so maybe Beth trying to indirectly kill Dawn was enough for Dawn to be pissed.

Especially since she mentioned at the beginning of the episode that she was out of ammo.

I read that too.

I feel like I missed a lot because I don't get it either. I wonder if I'd be willing to put up with some personal violence just to get an uninterrupted night's sleep.

I must not have been paying attention but I didn't see the crazy in her.

Also the general unsanitariness of everything could contribute. I'm no doctor so what do I know.

Agreed. Everyone's got an agenda.

I'm one of the few that doesn't hate Beth. She never got enough screen time to make me dislike her and I didn't hate her singing, mostly because it allowed the characters to sit back and relax a little. There's no tv, wifi or satellite radio anymore so I'd embrace it.