Persistent Cat

I thought he'd tell her to leave him behind in the shaft (there's a joke in there, I think), then when they were in the parking lot, I thought he'd sacrifice himself for her. I like being wrong when watching movies and tv.

That's who he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!

Hmmmm, you could be right. I do blame bees for an awful lot of things. Who spilled milk all over the kitchen floor? Bees. Who broke the printer? Bees. Who caused the zombie apocalypse? Goddamn bees, that's who.

Good point. I guess I didn't remember him looking banged up while sitting around the campfire.

Old churches would host Sunday pot lucks and stuff like that so I would believe it would have a tired old kitchen and basic utensils and gadgets.

Was Martin's face (the guy Tyreese said he killed) swollen when they were in the church? He looked like his face had been beaten senseless. Or he's allergic to bees and got stung. That's kind of anti-climactic in a zombie apocalypse but hey, they already had a flu storyline.

I like to think the Terminus people were just that arrogant. It seems they had spent all their time luring and trapping people, not hunting or being strategic. That's my "glass half full" take on it.

It's like he has the world's only pair of solar clippers.

That's my take as well. My guess is the Termites were going to slowly pick apart Rick's group but the tainted meat scare made them accelerate their strategy.

"I'd like to see the group acknowledge how fucking weird Eugene is. Maybe they try to teach him how to sit like a normal person, or perhaps Carl shows him how to move his arms while running."

Your piano comment is the funniest thing I've read today. I need to incorporate that comment into my daily life.

They need a white board with their names listed and a magnet to indicate if they are in or out.

Didn't Mary ask Carol to shoot her in the head? If so (I could be wrong), then I would guess they know.

Anywhere else, sure, but nothing makes a person look more ridiculous than not having eyebrows.

She was well written but the last few seasons really went downhill where she was just a neurotic mess who was baby crazy. They took away any ounce of confidence and intelligence she had and made her kind of stupid. It killed me how they destroyed a character I loved.

That was one of the things I think killed 30 Rock. Liz was always kind of a mess but she did manage to become the head writer of a network show. But then the show just devolved into finding her a man…. so disappointing.

They had a strong chemistry but I don't think anyone ever really wanted to see them together. Their pairing couldn't work if they were both on the same side.

He's become too dumb for me to like. They are my least favourite part of Parks and Rec.

April and Andy have become my least favourite characters. She just makes me roll my eyes with her "darkness" and Andy is just too stupid to be funny. I never saw April in Rosa.

Six of one, I guess.