I think OP was talking about issues in general... injuries, especially. Alcohol poisoning, falling down stairs/ out of balconies/ big fights/ etc. All can be considered "alcohol issues"- not just rape.
I think OP was talking about issues in general... injuries, especially. Alcohol poisoning, falling down stairs/ out of balconies/ big fights/ etc. All can be considered "alcohol issues"- not just rape.
nah, cause I doubt fraternities would outright stop serving if sororities started again.
Hello there, sorority girl here. I've thought a lot on this topic in the past few months and while I was on board initially because I think it may help with the power dynamic (which is ABSOLUTELY a problem; I completely contend that), I'm not sure it would happen in practice. And not necessarily because it isn't worth…
it's because the current goal of extreme measures to avoid temptation puts the onus on the person who might be tempting (usually a woman), and gets you off the guilty hook if you do something bad because it was the other person's moral job to make sure they didn't tempt you. They failed at that first task, so it can't…
a lot of men do it with every dissenting woman they meet, and for much smaller infractions... See Anonymous, gamergate, revenge porn, Twitter, etc.
WHY are we quoting Emily Yoffe?? On ANYTHING?!
heh. I wish you were MY mother.
Someone kindly alert Merriam-Webster to a change in definition. "Rapist: a person who has raped 15 or more people." Anything less than that is just coincidence...?
oh he does. The fish are cool though. Dustin Diamond is not. Also, he's currently facing assault charges or something. I read the headline last week in passing.
I don't want to be in charge of finding out. Some people truly are monsters. Have there always been this many sociopaths? How are we breeding so many?! MAKE IT STAHP
Rereading this now I come off as more snarky than I mean to in my last comment. I ABSOLUTELY think that might be the most effective way to stop all this madness, and if parents won't do it teach it in schools (though I'm sure that would go along with sex ed which people are still, somehow, against). I'm just grumpy…
my guess is because they were both minors (ie "close in age") it's not illegal for them to have sex because neither is an adult. But it IS illegal to distribute, because fucked up adults could "use" it. Perhaps from the picture they couldn't tell if she was actually drunk/ vomiting or not, so they had to treat it like…
Maybe it was "courageous". The kid rolled the dice and won. And unfortunately, the odds were in his favor when he rolled, and he knew it. You certainly have to have the balls of the Godfather to publicly release evidence of you committing a felony and act like it's Just Another Tuesday. Is "courageous" always…
Yeah, good luck with that, seeing as more than half of the continent still doesn't think rape culture is even a thing, and suggesting such a thing would be seen as an attack via political correctness in some circles. Your goals are dead on and this method would certainly stymy the current problems, but sadly not…
I agree, the title is problematic. "Having sex" is something consensual people do.
it makes me wonder how many other Rehteahs there are out there who haven't committed suicide and therefore their stories aren't so high profile. Didn't the police only start a real investigation once she died? Is that what it takes to be taken seriously? "Yeah yeah, we'll look into it once we realize how traumatizing…
Once I recover from writhing every time I read this story, one thiught always emerges.
no, he's just weird and gross and at rock bottom.
Thank you for tuning me into this. It very accurately describes my (stressful) life model. I'd call it paranoid, but it never fit quite right. Catastrophing is dead on.
But HOW. Was it a magic smoothie? 1 ridiculous trick? Never eating 5 certain foods again?? Did hot singles in your area help? HOW DID YOU LOWER PROCRASTINATION???