
That's a fair criticism; by rights, I think that Mature Jess would probably be into someone who, you know, likes him and treats him well (as he said during the original series, "I don't deserve this"), but for my sanity I've decided to read this as low-key wistfulness over the past and not a genuine desire to pursue a

Seriously! I can't understand why all these people are so happy to let her sleep on their couches—Lane has two children and works, Paris has two children and works (and the stairs!), and by rights, neither of them would have the time or the inclination to let their mooching friend from school fuck up the routine and

Because she's a terrible person. She thinks she deserves to be Christiane Amanpour, although Christiane Amanpour actually worked her ass off and probably took some shitty jobs so she could keep writing.


I think so, and it works perfectly. It's one of those old-fashioned Southern church lady names. Rubilene is the sort of woman who shouts "Take your time, pastor!" during a sermon, and you all hate her SO MUCH because now this bitch is standing between you and your lunch.

Why do you think I've been drinking since 10 AM?

Queen Mary is even more savage than her child and I LOVE it so much. No wonder he went running after an ice queen like Wallis Simpson—it's exactly what he was used to.

The problem is, I think everyone thought it WAS already settled, and thus there was no need to talk about it. Stupid, yes, but the kind of stupidity that can happen even in a well-oiled ship like the palace.

Absolutely! He does an excellent job with the mask, but then he utterly savages them in the letters back to Wallis.

Electric skillets are so practical, though! It's way easier to make pancakes, and if you have a small kitchen, it means you can cook on the dining room table, too.

WHAT?! I'm deeply personally insulted by this.

Oh my god. That baby sounds horrifying.

So, what Danish dinner should we be making? My only real knowledge of Danish cooking comes from my stepdad's family, and the beige, lumpy nightmare that is the Knutson Family Christmas Dinner.

Okay, I'm now officially going to try this. The Boy-Person is also into weird food, so if it doesn't work out, I can definitely send him off with the leftovers.

It's a sign!

I definitely want to try this…but on a grad student budget, I'm not sure I can risk making several meals' worth of something gross.

I think it's that berries grow on bushes, not trees.

I would like another scene of them eating cupcakes in the kitchen soon, please.

Would Winn/Superman be SuperWinn? Because I am HERE for that!

And yes, Kara, you should get a blowout. If you can afford one, always pay someone else for that shit; it's too inconvenient to DIY.