
And it is definitely plugged in?

Liberty for Degenerates is officially going to be the name of my first album.

Oh, there's absolutely wonderful Danish food—but she never made any of it, because her husband was a picky eater within Danish food. Everything was various types of lumpy and beige.

I'm currently working in the Caribbean, and the biggest joyous surprise is how much wonderful Indian food there is here. A lot of it the proximity to Guyana, which has a huge Indian population because of the indenture system, but what it means is that I can be fat and happy from all the good food! (Also fried

One of the biggest surprises when my family moved to Utah in high school was that while you couldn't get good Chinese food for love or money, there were at least three excellent Indian restaurants. Still no good Chinese food, but we've got solid ramen and two good Korean joints, so I'll take it.

Stouffers is the shit! I'll usually cook up some broccoli on the side while it's in the oven (with garlic and lemon and chili), and it is the best comfort food ever.

My stepdad actually hates roasted Brussels sprouts. God love him, he wants the same way his late mother made them: boiled, to death, with salt. My Farmor was both Danish and a terrible cook, which is double plus bad cooking.

Even apart from the expense, the sheer effort of taking children out to multiple restaurants sounds exhausting! I mean, I barely want to put on pants that often—trying to wrangle squirrelly kiddos as well is just an extra layer of fuck this.

True. But I also think that from about 16-24, pretty much everyone has shitty judgment: in food, booze, dating partners…it takes a while to realize that you deserve good things that don't make you feel like shit (and in the case of the first two items, can actually afford those good things).

My older sister was a super-picky fit-thrower (literally made herself throw up at the table over having to eat spinach), so when I came around three years later, mom Was Not Having It. She'd been the tenth of thirteen, and her philosophy during my childhood was like the Beast: "Well then you can go ahead and STARVE!"

I really wish she were in this.

Anyone who doesn't love The Color Purple is someone whose opinions are clearly untrustworthy.

But the real question is, how's the Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster?

He doesn't frequent all those truck stops for nothing, you know!

It's because his wanderlust isn't responsive to antibiotics. Damned superbugs!

Why does this film not exist yet?

My liquor store doesn't ask for my ID, but they're just sketchy.

That sounds like a terrible job, being the dude who's stuck translating recipes and knitting patterns into infographics for women. Still not as bad as being literally any woman in Gilead, but still sucky.

I can't imagine trying to knit anything without being able to read—what about the knitting patterns?

I think some of it has to do with a sense of kinship with Janine—we know Ofglen 2 was a junkie and a sex worker, someone who saw herself as deeply damaged before Gilead. Janine is maimed and mentally ill; it strikes me that she might see Janine as similarly damaged and deserving of compassion.