
Midsomer Murders are excellent! John Nettles is such a tremendously comforting presence as John Barnaby: he's clever and dogged and compassionate and untortured. After years of gritty dramas with tortured genius detectives, it's such a relief to come across a normal, happy-enough family man who happens to be damned

Oh, yes to Poirot! I will absolutely curl up in bed with those—I don't even have to be hungover, just unwilling to do anything productive.

Recently, I've been sick—like, properly too sick to go anywhere, so I've been watching nature documentaries. Planet Earth is the current favorite, because it has beautiful visuals, suitably epic music, the soothing voice of David Attenborough, and not much plot, so it doesn't matter if I fall asleep halfway through.

My first-grade teacher did tickles for birthdays. And for that time Molly ripped her nose open on the jungle gym and had to get face-stitches.

This was definitely a slower episode than those which came before, but I can't say it was unsatisfying. I especially loved the bit where Jake uses the plot of The Godfather to fool Miss Mimi; it felt like a nice touch, especially since he's done it before with the MASH reference back in episode 2.

Because Joe's trying, but he doesn't always get it right. Also because cheesecake is delicious.

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Most of them seem to be acting in "Turn".

Now, we need family dinners! Crane doesn't approve of Abbie's induction cooktop, but gets sucked into the world of cable cooking shows; Abbie brings out the Mills family's kick-ass mac and cheese recipe, and Joe brings cheesecake.

Check out Tom & Lorenzo: they've said they're going to be writing a costuming post!

There's an amazing moment in the book where Ma Keoghan does find out and gets hella snippy (and bolts that entrance to the house), and remarks about noise. One of the girls says "What noise?" and another one says "I don't know, but it sounded heavenly" and winks at Eilis.

It was a disappointing treatment for an incredibly lovely and charming film. Also, if you are interested in the costuming, keep an eye out on Tom and Lorenzo, because they mentioned they'll be doing a costuming post for this movie!

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Honestly, this whole comment was so much better than the article itself; this ish right here is why I love this comments section so much.

I think what made the scene so uncomfortable in my opinion was that it was very much "awkward first time sex": nobody knows what they're doing, she's not having much fun, and it's all a bit over-eager.

It's one of the things that came through far more clearly in the book: the frizzy-haired girl is sniping and thirsty and not enjoyable to spend time with, which makes Eilis annoyed even as she feels guilty for not liking the girl she's agreed to help. It's one of the difficulties of the adaptation.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Oh my dear sweet gay baby Jesus, I am SO FUCKING EXCITED about this.

It also just really stuck in my craw the way he patronized and kinda-gaslighted her around the secret identity thing: trying to make her think she didn't know what was going on when she confronted him about it is appallingly shitty.

You guys are best friends, and you need to stop lying to yourselves about that fact. Go on friend-dates: Cisco will arrange to see "The Princess Bride", and Harrison will take you to Big Belly Burger (provided, of course, that you pay for your own damned burger).

Loved the punching bag scene! And Eddie is holding it, asking Barry to hit him, and he has the most winsome smile at that moment.