Michelle had the original not-impressed face. I love it.
Michelle had the original not-impressed face. I love it.
Dude needs to call Olivia Pope, who will then track down all the models used in the photos and then trot them out to the press, where they will then endorse their support for the candidate, as well as reveal the best place to get a bikini wax.
Michelle Obama looks 100% over being First Lady. I don't blame her, it's a thankless job if there ever was one.
Goddamn she is fabulous.
A lot of the "old" people nowadays are baby boomers. The most selfish, entitled generation ever spawned. The are unused to not having their hind quarters kissed and called cocoa.
Years ago, when I had to wait on these Sunday assholes, I had some old church fuck put one of those fake $20 on the floor. He had it attached to a string and when I went down to pick it up, he yanked on the string so it slid away from me.
"I greeted them, and since I am required to do so, offered them an alcoholic beverage along with non-alcoholic choices. All four women got irate with me, calling me a "heathen" and informing me that I was going to hell."
YES! It's always the people who spend the least amount of money that are the most vocal about being a regular or paying customer and deserve blah blah blah.
My Gma is as sweet as pie. She eats out at almost every meal, at the same three restaurants (creature of habit) so she has regular waiters that take care of her, and they seem to love her. But the lady seriously thinks it's still 1929 when it comes to tipping. To her, a generous tip is 1$, on a $15 check. 2$ is she…
I'm reminded of a letter to Dear Abby that appeared in the paper long, long ago. Some asshole wrote in to say that he never tipped more than 10% because you were supposed to give 10% to God, and he would never tip a mere human more than he would give to God. I don't remember what Dear Abby said, but I was incensed.…
Oh god, that's my ex-MIL. The bizarre part was, she was self-aware enough to actually articulate it! She would say or do horribly abusive things to her husband (and my ex whenever she got the chance) and then calmly tell us that it was her only enjoyment left in life because they (the man she CHOSE to marry and the…
Oh gods, so much this. I get the same thing at the adult store I work at. "I should get free rentals/not have to pay my late charges cause I'm a regular." Bitch, spending $5 bucks a week on porn does not make you the kind of customer whose ass I have to kiss. Buy one of the Lelo vibrators and we'll talk.
I worked Sunday mornings/afternoons at a coffee shop in my little town and the church crowds (there were two good-sized churches within walking distance on the town green, not including the Catholic CCD facility as well) and they were the worst. They frequently and rudely reminded me that I should treat them as…
I used to work every Sunday brunch in a very nice upscale city. The restaurant required us to wear ties, any kind of tie, prefferably one that revealed our personalities. LOL, pretty ridiculous, I KNOW. Anyway, the church crowd was THE WORST. Hands down. Demanding, condescending, rude and obnoxious (one lady actually…
I totally and unironically applaud this pastor. I think this is a terrific idea and if it can shame even one person into acting like a true Christian (i.e. a pleasant, properly tipping non asshole) it has earned its keep
I think I enjoy most of all that all these accounts talk to each other. Maybe this is just someone's real-life version of a Sims game, and we should just leave them to it.
Props to this pastor. For serious. I grew up Christian and, though I'm figuring things out for myself now, I'd still call myself one but damn if the "church crowd" wasn't THE WORST when I worked at a restaurant. And I wasn't even a server. I worked as a hostess at an Applebee's in Utah right in the middle of Mormon…
They regularly communicate with one another, posting supportive comments on each other's half-nude photographs, asking for suggestions for where to get a Brazilian bikini wax and appearing to coordinate the sharing of lingerie outfits for something called the "Save the Tatas" fashion show.