Chimps are great apes. Monkeys have tails, apes do NOT. Fix that headline. It’s an insult to us hairless apes...
Don’t tell me you are one of these species truthers.
“Monkeys”? Seriously?
By “that person”, presumably you mean “the person who is correct”. Who the fuck still conflates Chimps and monkeys?
I came here to also be that person!
We dig it cause you do. 'Nuff reason.
I hate to be that person, but bonobos and chimps are apes, not monkeys. Science, I dig it.
One Direction cut outs? So is Adultosaur John or Ed?
I'm with you. It's beyond the pale.
For me, the hill to die on is people using “literally” as “very”, regardless of whether it contradicts the actual definition of the word.
It’s informal usage. I think it’s pretty jarring to read when used to mean undisturbed. I'm not a grammar nerd at all but it really burns my cookies. Whatever, come at me. I still hate that people use disinterested interchangeably with uninterested. I'm a lost cause.
Kinda like how “carrot and stick” now refers to rewarding or hitting the poor donkey with the stick, rather than just dangling a carrot in front of him.
You’re not alone. Apparently the new standard American defintion of “nonplussed” leaves me “plussed.”
Me, too. And I am frustrated by this!
I found this out a few weeks ago! There’s a few more words us North Americans (well more or less just us USA’ers) have completely obfuscated from their Standard English definition.
Trading stories of people who say nukyeler or cyoopon. Or even those detestable ingrates who insist they don’t need an Oxford Comma, depraved souls that they are.
Dear gods, I never knew people thought that “moot point” meant open to debate. Why would you do this to meeeeeeee
Yes, it's become a moot point, hasn’t it? ;)
Ugh, I was going to comment about “nonplussed” being used incorrectly, and I went to fact check myself and found that apparently in North America we’ve corrupted the meaning so that it can also mean the exact opposite. Now I have to be one of Those People, who have pedantic views about obscure vocabulary. JK I was…