Perry Downing

I was at Yale with Lupita and I can say that she is a really really great person. She and I did a public service fellowship together in New Haven one year and she is every bit as friendly and warm as her demeanor implies.

How does that logic follow? Even in Western countries, studies have shown that men are more likely to cheat than women. Ergo, if they want to stop infidelity, shouldn't they ban men from driving?

Saudi men (or at least the dominant class) should be the most insecure people on the planet. They can't even bear the idea that their women could drive, because will "cheat" on them inmidiatly or they are going to "dishonor" their family ( which basicaly is "I think too much about what other people think about me!!!

It is known.

With the palm trees in the background, it almost looks like a cruise through LA.

I'm a dog person too, but my god they're so fluffy and pretty and snuggly looking!

I feel like the cat is saying to the kitten "Stop fucking with the master's curtains! She is going to blame me!"

I don't know about the rape thing. Too new for my blood.

A woman drugged and raped Father Eric (Greg Vaughan). Unfortunately, Father Eric's recollections of what happened are somewhat spotty. Right now he's accusing the wrong woman of raping him. The actual rapist is the woman about to marry his stepbrother. Because soaps.

I don't think that's a new plot point. Women on that show have drugged and raped men a few times. One that pops out to me was Sami drugging Austin to get pregnant. It may be unique that they are acknowledging it as rape. I'm not sure they have in the past.

Yep. If you've ever listened to what black people, especially black men,
go through on a daily basis, the people who cross the street rather
than walk the same sidewalk, the being stopped in stores, hassling by
cops (both on the street and when driving) just to list a few examples,
you know what your answer would be.

A-freaking-men to that; I posted awhile back about the same thing happening to me in a fucking Lucky Brand jeans store in Vegas. I know that the extra attention that I was getting from the staff was because I was brown and dressed in jeans and my boyfriends oversized plain jacket (hoodrat, amirite). Had they known

Its just so stupid to think that white people and black people are perceived in even remotely the same way, even more so if they are poor. I get that for some of us white folks its hard to figure out. It takes time and educating ones self: as a white person, you will never "understand" the ubiquitous difference in

I was having a conversation the other day about that sort of person with two friends of mine. It's easy for white people to get the idea that we live in a post racial society, because white people simply don't have that lived experience. For a certain sort of naive white person, since he/she doesn't experience racism

Honestly, I would say yes, because I know that micro-aggressions are something I cannot understand as a part of the racial majority. I can imagine it but I will never actually know what it's like and therefore I know I shouldn't talk about it to those actually affected.

Someone spent quite awhile on GroupThink yesterday quite pompously and condescendingly explaining that we all need to stop whining about racism because class is the real issue, and poor white people and poor people of color are treated exactly the same and have all the same opportunities! The REAL problem in America

Thank you for the brilliant response I will use the rest of my life when people say racism isn't a problem. Would you like to be black for even one hour?

Don't have money: "Work hard like the rest of Americans, darkie! Stop complaining!"

Black people can't win in American society. You can work hard and earn money and people will still assume that you're up to no good. I don't wanna hear from anyone that racism doesn't exist or that blacks should stop whining about racism. If you don't think racism is still bad in this world, answer this: would you

Not that I am anywhere near the vicinity of Barneys or even have the discretionary funds to shop there, but: