
Gawker writers throw hyperbole around like used kleenex.

I regrettably ditched the iPhone 4s for a Galaxy Note 2. Bad mistake. Later, I got an LG Optimus G Pro. Slightly less of a pain-in-the-arse, but only slightly.

After fifteen minutes of trying to get the files to download from this yahoo's google drive account, I just threw my hands up in the air. Forget it!

I've noticed more and more of these debunker/skeptic articles out there floating around. Even the movies are following with Seth Rogen poking fun at those that are on a gluten free diet.

Developers should be made to work for free. Not being funny here. Being real. Especially the jerks over at XDA. I'm sorry but I just don't feel like I should pay you to develop another messaging app or endless runner game.

Someone actually said it.

Defacing the surface of the moon? What? Are you implying that the moon should be off limits? Is this like some spotted owl that needs the protection of environmentalists?

Because I am an appreciative man with a humble background, the feeling lasts and lasts and lasts...until I realized that I can barely see the display on the Note 2 outside unless it's very cloudy. Wishing I had my iPhone back.

Robert A Petersen may have something to hide. Why else would he throw out some comment about piracy? A guilty conscience trying to deflect attention elsewhere? Perhaps Homeland Security should investigate this man, his hard drive, etc. Is Robert A Petersen a terrorist?