
“’Science-Fiction’ is made-up; one of the words in the genre’s name is ‘fiction’. But ‘spiritual warfare’ is very real, and not ‘fantasy’ at all, because my Book tells me so!”

“Mockumentary”? No need to put in the effort; the man’s record clearly mocks itself...

I’m not sure which element of that man’s record is more cringe-worthy: the fact that he keeps getting elected, or that he keeps finding women willing to marry him...

Descended from a legendary Canadian statesman, are you?

Oh, but would you mind sharing what about the term “Malk” makes you laugh?
For me and rather a lot of tabletop role-playing game nerds, it’s not only side-splitting hilarious, it’s even appropriately so. After all, among the vampires, there’s only one group who would even think of such a thing, let alone try to bring

Or fluency in any language other than English. A language isn’t just a set of words and the order in which they appear; it’s a different perception of the world and how to relate to it. Several dialects spoken in China have quite distinct words for familial relationships because precision in establishing such things

I would hypothesize that mosquitos, like most flying insects, do not care to ‘share airspace’ with things they cannot identify. The fact that bubbles not only shimmer on their surfaces but distort the light passing through them must ‘clutter up’ the bugs’ visual inputs something fierce. I take it as using the same

Agreed, with tears in my eyes. The American system of dividing power between three branches of government only means that any and all parties who want to restore the “RIGHT” people’s power (at the total and permanent expense of everyone else’s rights) need to pay closer attention to locating and controlling bottlenecks

In the words of a large diverse cast of people in a well-known sci-fi reboot:

I’m partial to Chumbawumba’s “Tubthumping”, since most of it is literally just somewhat-rhythmic talking... and it’s about booze, as well, so it seems like a nice safe choice for that sort of thing...

I hypothesize that it stems from their childhoods; the ‘cool’ kids were ‘into’ sports or ‘war’ or anything EXCEPT complex literature based on something other than relatively recent historical events. There are other ‘nerd-signals’ techbros could use, but Tolkien remains something of a ‘common language’ and also seems

I’d like to mention a relevant, parallel observation from another English writer:

I could offer a couple of theories, mostly built around different components of trauma.

They’re _trying_. Unfortunately, there are significant swathes of the American populace, whose voting record tends toward R-for-regressive and who’ve managed to get a lot of similarly-squawking idiots into positions of actual power, who are threatening violence... again... should laws be applied the same way to the

Sadly, there are people out there who have somehow internalized the notion that drinking ‘just water’ is beneath them, or that it ‘tastes terrible’.

Oh, I dunno, there’s a fine and rich tradition of “underground newspapers” springing up in the wake of authoritarian idiocy like this. I look forward to seeing THAT saga play out...

Re: “Are we having fun yet?”

Blame Bill Griffith. To be fair, it used to be hilarious:

Is she “Christian” and/or “rich”, or any of the other descriptors normally associated with this level of entitlement?

That, and whether or not the owners/operators have made personal enemies out of law enforcement. That’s where PROsecution comes loaded with PERsecution.

Sir, you forgot the critically-important “step zero”:
Have enough “liquidity” so that investing so much as a single dollar will not put the stability of your food-supply, utility-connections, and permanent residence at risk.
Which, I feel obliged to point out, INSTANTLY ‘disqualifies’ between 7.10 - 19.79 per cent of