*Laughing fit to burst*
Okay, now I need to start saving my couch-change to commission a political cartoon of ‘the chestburster’ waving Gaetz off dismissively and captioned: “Even the xenomorphs have minimum standards.”
Must admit that I held that opinion of this... “Congress-thing” is the closest to ‘respect’ he deserves... had led me to this particular bit of mental shorthand when he came up in conversation even before this reminder of the animated character showed up to cement the designation...
He’s not talking to people who can’t afford to care for the kids they have now. In his mind, “those kinds” of people are too busy to vote. He’s primarily playing a “Medley On Dogwhistles” for the folk who want to keep ‘the poors’ poor and too tired to organize.
I’m such a culinary barbarian that I eat dry, rolled-up (flour) tortillas... BEFORE I put beans on them.
When Sessions said, “We’re all entitled to make mistakes...” he clearly meant to say, “No one can get away with this crap their whole lives without getting caught at some point.”
But that’s the POINT: “Anti-America” means “anti-hierarchical”, with very specific reference to the GOP’s doctrine that “Rich Old Straight White Christian Men Who Own Lots Of Stuff should be able to behave like spoiled 12-year old boys without consequence because no one outside those descriptors is real”.
Just to flip the switch a bit, what are some responses to a coffee shop set up to accommodate folks using it as a second office, but with policies in place to make it worth the shop’s while?
Would’ve emphasized “... correct...” in the previous sentence. “Blowing a dogwhistle” for his ‘base’, “jamming both feet into his mouth up to the knee” for the non-racists...?
Submitted for consideration: the possibility of a distinction between the ‘man’, David Madison Cawthorn, and the ‘politician’, Madison Cawthorn. (I’ve never met either and only know of the latter from my various news-sources.) I propose you reserving your sympathy and compassion for David, the man, and freely revile…
Lewis Carroll included a wonderful little dig on this kind of thinking in... Well, I can’t recall whether it was in “Wonderland” or “Through the Looking-Glass”, but it pointed out the absurdity of insisting that a word means what the speaker intends at the moment of speaking.
And performing the bit in its entirety on…
Uh, really? Do you have any idea how many Christians in my social circle dismiss all other religions as ‘Satanic lies’ and take pride in the fact that they know nothing about any of them, let alone the terms for the other deities’ “favored beverages”?
Beyond that, would you care to share how many other pantheons you…
Funny thing; cultural anthropologists have formal records of over 4,000 “deity-figures” from various cultures and throughout history.
There may not be many specifically associated with ‘barbecue’ and ‘tacos’, but there are a LOT of them associated with ‘brewing’. And even beyond that, consider how many religions speak…
“Yeah, that’s better ‘public-relations-speak’ than ‘the people running these scams might sue us, and whether or not they have a legal leg to stand on the Big Boss is scared [spitless] of bad publicity’...”
Sadly, the ‘braindead’ part is rather close to the probable reality. Very, very few ‘public servants’ who tout their ‘Christianity’ as the foundation of their political activities will let anything so petty as ‘facts’ or ‘testimony’ change their minds. To put it bluntly, ‘Christians’ scream in protest at any form of…
Hoo-boy. I call almost first thing in the morning and the line’s already busy. Call-volume must be off the friggin’ charts.
And the Republicans want to CUT funding for the department?
The mind boggles, echoing with the phrase “letting the fox guard the henhouse”...
May I encourage you to explore alternate gardening configurations, such as vertical farming or hydroponics? The concept behind this article could serve as the gateway to an entire world of ‘personal farming’ at any number of levels and price-points.
Maybe, but one thing Mr. Somers points out is that this is NOT a ‘hobby’ project. Strongly implied where it is not stated outright is that attempting to feed oneself exclusively on the *cough* fruit of one’s own gardening labors will take time and many resources beyond the initial investments. I would suggest that Mr.…
Agreed. Speaking as a former resident of California who relocated to Texas ju-u-ust before the pandemic lockdowns initiated in 2020, my wife and I have been trying to leave this blood-red craphole since about 24 hours after arriving. And please do NOT try and defend the Lone Star State, when I can almost navigate by…
Exactly. The assertion that financial success is a sign of God’s favor means that anyone trying to call the wealthy to account is rejecting the ‘judgement of God’. Never mind that whole business about how it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a wealthy person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, of…