
t’s all about ‘controlling the narrative’. They KNOW that they’re fascists, because that is the route to seizing and keeping power for ‘the right people’. What the object to is being on the wrong end of public opinion. 

More proof that every GOP-er is a cleverly-disguised teenager, screaming about ‘rights’ in response to each and every request that they fulfill their responsibilities to the entirety of the American public, rather than serving the interests of their wealthiest donors...

May I encourage you to investigate other fighting techniques, perhaps even certain schools, rather than “Fist To The Face”?
(There’s that business of ‘fight-bite’, in which you might get some of whatever swills around in his mouth into your bloodstream by means accidentally cutting yourself on his teeth... and that

Take an extra star for the "Granny Goodness" reference. Even if DeVos couldn't lead a band of GLOW-members out of a community park with floodlights surrounding the gate, she has probably done more to create the next wave of angry punk bands (of all-girls and transgendered and so on) than even Maggie Thatcher would

On the off-chance that anyone else reading this wants to know what djmem3 is talking about...

Trying, my friend. It’s very difficult to find alternatives that pay a living wage in this part of South Texas, though. 

I feel obliged to point out that “Black Blood Of The Earth” came out of one man’s longtime coffee-and-too-much-sugar habit... and the discovery of ‘cold brewing’.

Back in the mid 1990s, I was a minor member of a RenFaire performing troupe. This particular Faire organized itself along ‘guild’ lines, with each ‘guild’ representing a particular social class or other grouping, depending on the desires of the members.
The “SeaDogs” specialized in nautical-based antics, particularly

My work-schedule involves 12-hour shifts, 7 days/week. (I’m classed as an ‘independent contractor’ with exactly the same degree of accuracy as those poor Uber/Lyft drivers, which is how my employers dodge the ‘overtime’ and ‘scheduled days off’ issue.)
I live and work in a part of South Texas in which the oil-fields eit

Erm.... Not really.

Projective slander. Rarely do folk in that stahe of intellectual development have the capacity to form insilts that mean anything to the target, as that would require analysis of the target's fears and desires. So the "insults" they sling are nothing more than keys to their own weaknesses...

Well, to fascists, being 'against fascism' IS an insult...

He has no real idea of what ‘high-class’ actually means. The best he can do is point to a few examples of what it isn’t. In a very real sense, he is a prisoner in a cell he built: he can only get what he desires the most by relinquishing every last thing he likes most about himself.
All I can do at this point is wish

It’s a losing battle, trying to explain the difference between the First Amendment and getting banned from Twitter. Speaks volumes about the utterly shameful state of American education where no one on that side of the discussion seems able to distinguish between ‘government edicts’ and ‘private rules’.

That, right there, is the key. He’ll make grandiose plans for revenge in response to any slight, and promptly forget about them as soon as he gets a fresh dish of two-scoops of ice cream.
But permanently strip him of a perk? He’ll scream like a gout-patient forced to wear wooden shoes.

Among his supporters, it was always a question of “how much can we squeeze out of him before he finally crosses a line?” Only the poor people whose daily diet consisted of Faux Nooz lies washed down with Rush Limbaugh bilge had any faith in his ability to actually lead.
Delusional, of course, since one of his big

He’s no stranger to lawsuits, having been on both sides of literally thousands of them. However, this is the first time that he won’t have access to (borrowed/stolen) millions of dollars in a ‘war chest’. I must admit to extreme curiosity about the next few weeks.
There is, for example, a non-zero chance that he will

It’s not a matter of the Guard knowing their duties. It’s a matter of the ‘leaders’ who grant... or withhold... authorization for deployment doing so in a fashion that acknowledges reality.
The anti-police-brutality riots were met with overwhelming force PRECISELY BECAUSE the police see Black Lives Matter as a threat

They saw that the police and military aided and abetted their fellow ‘patriots’. Their ‘strategy’, such as it is, depends on a mathematical majority of the armed forces ‘joining the true Americans’.
And given the documented evidence that some of the C.P. officers smoothed the way for them to access the Capitol and

It would be frustrating work, but produce fascinating results, to interview all of the MAGAcaps who insist that ‘no true follower of 45' would do this or that so it must be an Antifa false-flag operation.
“Why? I understand that you refuse to believe that those who share your beliefs could ever commit crimes. What I