
I chalk it up as “he’s doing and saying exactly what I would do, if I weren’t a coward and broke!”
It’s heartbreaking, really, to know that so very many Americans let themselves get taken in by such patently-obvious lies. But the Redcap In Chief keeps saying what they want to hear, regardless of the degree to which his

Agreed. But then again, the point of the article is highlighting some of the ways by which false ‘woke-ness’ is behaviorally indistinguishable from the ‘anti-maskers’, despite the differences in apparent tone (and education-level).

One of my sets of grandparents lived in a house with this arrangement: a ‘formal room’ just off of the main entry and another, room at the opposite end of the house.
Toward the end of their lives (and the end of their occupancy of the house) the ‘formal room’ accumulated so much clutter that there was literally no

The U.S. has always been more interested in style over substance, even before the 1980s. It’s merely more obvious, these days. Not to mention both amusing and bewildering to note the sheer breadth of different styles of religious pandering available today...

Take your bonus star for sharing that. Definitely got a giggle out of me!

Germany managed, but they had a cultural basis of genuine respect for law, order, and science above politics.

I wish some brass-balled reporter would start talking to these jerks as if they were Antifa, just to see how they'll respond to the accusations...

So, his name is just “Mackey”, right?
Not “Doctor” of anything, not even “Divinity”?
Okay, given that he’s The Man in charge of Whole Foods, he knows his way around the kinds of corporate power-plays that let him rise to the top of that particular heap. But where, exactly, does he have any kind of credentials that prove

So their ability to reject such a compromise is predicated on them producing a rational alternative plan that protects the lives of citizens.
“While we’re waiting, you WILL obey this policy or you WILL find yourselves employed in some other industry that does NOT allow you an informal license to kill people you do not

I would say that the situation’s even worse than that.
Police departments get funded based on ‘numbers’, which usually translates to things like daily quotas for traffic tickets or ‘reduction in crime rates’. It makes sense in from one perspective, because the entire community needs to know that the police are

Being employed as a police officer is unlike any other job in the U.S. The attitude among the force is that they are the ‘sole defenders of civilization’, and that they absolutely cannot afford to lose even one ‘good soldier’. Note that this attitude does NOT apply to any officers genuinely blowing the whistle on

How about a compromise that really counts? “The camera is your badge and time-clock, officers. When it’s off, you are not only not getting paid, but you are not covered by the department’s insurance. When you turn it off, you turn off your legal and financial protection for anything you do; you make yourself a

Agreed; the loss of any ‘creative’ is a tragedy, and that increases exponentially when the deaths increase mathematically. Our society becomes all the poorer with each loss. Especially in our culture that still touts the ‘virtue’ of stoicism in men.

Well, do we have any reports on all “churches” which burned down within the last decade or so, and corroboration on the percentage of “black” churches within that data-set?
How about mosques, or temples? How many such are specifically “black”, in the same sense that the subject of the article is a “black church”?

The Sikhs are supposed to carry a functional dagger as part of their religious expression. I wish I was joking when I propose that those who attend churches like that carry fire-fighting gear (and regularly train in its use) for the exact same reasons...

Oh, yeah. Any nation anywhere in the world that does NOT operate its healthcare system exclusively on a for-profit basis is automatically branded a “Marxist hellhole”... by people who would probably die in a week without their MediCare. Because, yanno, healthcare other than ‘herbal remedies’ is a PRIVLEGE for the

Considering how many Evangelicals scream that all colleges are “leftist propaganda-mills that indoctrinate our children into Marxism”... possibly.
Though very, very few of the Evangelicals spouting that particular accusation truly appreciate how very, very sharp both edges of that particular sword are...

I prefer to borrow a line from one of my favorite ‘guilty-pleasure’ movies: the original “Highlander”. I, too, moved around a lot in my younger days, so I sound a bit ‘odd’. No one has yet started off the question with, “You talk funny” but I do get asked “Where are you from?” fairly often.
The most accurate and appropr

Hopefully it’s setting up for a series of articles on how ‘creatives’ still deserve to be treated like working professionals. Not just the cubicle-drones who fill out TPS reports, but basically anyone who gets contracts to perform tasks or produce products to customer specifications.
Altogether too many folks who, say,

Power-dynamic. The frats/sororities are organizations, designed from the beginning to leverage the power each member had for the benefit of the whole. By definition, the group is more important and therefore more powerful than any one member. The logic extends to making the organization more important and more