
Agreed. The impeachment process, as written in Constitutional law, fails to take into account political cronyism. It’s understandable, to a point, as political parties/factions seem as inevitable as sunrises. But there should still be some revision to the process that keeps political favoritism out of the whole thing.

It’s not just him. Despite his roaring at Hilary Clinton during their debates, he’s very much a puppet of everyone to whom he owes all those debts (over $1B and counting, that we know of) as well as the one to whom so very many of the desperate GOP have tied their political careers. The Redcap In Chief has gotten as

Unless OP is either employed at a very high level in a nation-wide corporation or independently wealthy, “expense” is probably why. Speaking for myself, I make a little more than $10.00/hour and can’t afford to see a doctor unless I’m physically unable to move.

Blame the lawyers, again. Maybe the BBC’s lawyers didn’t want “Doctor Who” mentioned as a fictional property in the MCU...?

Hell, her capacity to portray a pre-redemption character impersonating HERSELF, post-redemption, is pretty impressive, though I suppose she’s got a bit of extra practice in dealing with timey-wimey, wimbly-wombly plot complications...

There’s definitely a sociology research paper in there, somewhere. It’s not too hard to speculate about why basement bars disappeared; it’s kind of expensive to dig out basements, not to mention maintain them under a lot of circumstances. On the other hand, as you point out, they’re a viable alternative for social

For whatever it may be worth, I encourage you to take comfort in the fact that this kind of garbage is getting caught, and treated as the violation that it is. Not all of it, and not perfectly, not yet. But at least word is getting around that folks trying to maintain the racism (and sexism, and all the myriad other

San L-u-i-s Obispo.

I wish I could give you an extra star for that. Well-played, indeed!

Heh. That neither Mister nor Doctor Shapiro seem to have any idea of the implications of the song explains so... Very... Much.

A lot of fiction-writers talk about “worldbuilder syndrome”. Most commonly (but NOT exclusively) experienced by sci-fi/fantasy authors (“J.R.R. Tolkien only invented three distinct languages and mapped out one lousy continent... Partially? Friggin’ amateur...”) it basically means spending so much time on the setting

Men rarely if ever dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.”

I could make a case that Don-John is, in fact, a very devout worshipper at the Temple of Mammon. The idol of which is, of course, modeled on the Redcap In Chief's idealized self-image.

“Evil" Oompa-Loompa energy, if you please. The original tribe sang songs in praise of moderation, good manners and literacy, among other virtues. All of which seem anathema to the MAGAcaps and the Redcap-In-Chief.

Hoping that there will be some kind of guide to juggling ensemble casts, published really soon. Yes, I could use it for my own purposes, but I’m sure that more than a few of those lucky sods who’ve finagled getting paid to write those kinds of scripts could use the help, too...

“Junk Wash Stomp”, by the Poxy Boggards.
Probably the snappiest PSA these incels will ever listen to... :)

It will kind of depend on the nature of the Blue Wave churning its way toward the ballots in November. Sure, the Democrats are looking at picking up a lot of power... but WHICH Dems?
The Establishment Dems who basically want to go back to business as usual?
Or the Progressive Dems who acknowledge the fundamental flaws

“Jesus” and “God” will most definitely “take care of her”.
They’re clearly waiting for her to join them as soon as possible.
“Self-preservation” takes a back-seat to ‘upholding the WHURDD of the LHAW-DUH’ among the faithful.

The whole point of sinking your hooks deeply into your victims’ emotional centers means that logic alone can’t be used to pull them out.
The GOP indoctrination works most effectively in conjunction with conditioning already present; e.g., “faith over science” (a.k.a. “feelings over facts”) as practiced by altogether

The irony-free Orwellian ‘doublethink’ inherent in the religious bigots’ stances continues to fascinate me. They’re screaming about ‘being persecuted’ even though somewhere around 34 states in the US have lines in their constitutions forbidding ‘atheists’ from holding public office. They’re crying about ‘religious