
“Chaos”, to them, meaning “we don’t control the narrative about who is ‘real’ and who is not any more, so we’re going to throw a massive tantrum...”

He monitored the responses that “MS13" references got, and dropped them when he stopped getting enough attention from them. So he looked around for some other ‘hot button’ phrase to use; there’s always another racist dogwhistle he can blow.

You would become instantly the wealthiest and most reviled inventor in the world...

Bonus challenge: peanut butter and jelly in the same tube. Hell, the technology already exists for ‘striped’ toothpaste, so why the heck not?

A new technique for making world-maps.
Most involve something called ‘projection’, where a transparent sphere with a light inside and the desired markings (continent shapes, political boundaries, rivers, etc) get put on the outside. Different ‘projections’ involve various means of sticking a flat surface (the

Their own souls, to be certain. The fact that so very many of the Republican-controlled cities and states want to “open back up” might suggest that they have sold their followers’ souls as well...

Sorry, socially-disconnected introvert, here. Would someone mind providing the definition of “caitiff” in this context? Mr. Parker is clearly not a “vampire with no discernable connection to any particular vampiric Clan or Bloodline”...

“The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its credibility. And vice versa.”

I like to think that the catastrophic leadership botch in handling the pandemic is going to cost him the post he fought so hard and underhandedly to get.

Back when “Game of Thrones” hit the airwaves, lots of folk were all a-gog about this ‘wonderful fantasy series’.
I was not. GRRM’s books had been around long enough for me to read some synopses, which explained how most of the political situations (and the individual actions) of the story were lifted whole-cloth out of

The GOP and all the rest of the world’s “strongmen” are more terrified by any perception of weakness than actually being ill. FDR and his decades-long stage-show of strength when he couldn’t physically bring himself to stand upright from a seated position set the standard, but clearly Tinyhands and all his GOP

Sagittarius, here. Chronically punctual, as well. Always arrive at parties on-time or earlier. The very idea that a social gathering will start “at some point after such-and-such-o’clock” has always irritated me, as it’s just one more social ‘rule’ that relies on information to which I have no access and which no one,

Any thoughts on a bio-digester system? Briefly, it’s a sealed tank into which fine-ground compostable organic matter gets fed; as long as it’s kept within a particular temperature range, the enzymes in it break down the organic matter into methane gas (suitable for use in powering a generator or a cook-stove) and

I feel obliged to point out that “Senator” is every bit as much of a temporary position as is “President”. The Senators’ terms may last longer, but they still must run for re-election on a regular basis.
And, despite the documented fact of the GOP playing the dirtiest and best-funded nation-wide games in an effort to


Which is bitterly hilarious, from a certain perspective. Anyone with any knowledge of history (like, say, pre-Columbian Meso-American religious practices) would recognize that piles of dead bodies (who died in the most gruesome ways the Aztec priests could dream up) was part of the reason why Cortez, et. al. justified

Everyone flag this post. Hopefully, that will get the mods’ attention. And who knows, maybe they’ll actually do something about it.

The next stages will be fascinating. The GOP will whine and pout in public while pulling every trick they can think of to overturn this overturning, all the way up to the SCOTUS. What matters most of all is establishing precedent. If, may all the Gods forbid it, the SCOTUS upholds Florida’s “right” to decide who

It’s a darkly hilarious theater of the absurd: “men’s rightists” insist that the system unfairly favors women, and yet they cheer when men ‘take their rightful revenge’ on the women who ‘unmanned’ them by taking their children away.

Upon them all, I wish a permanent surge of self-awareness and compassion for others

It varies from state to state. In some, a restraining order (with particular reference to domestic violence) is an automatic ‘no-purchase’ flag in the databases at licensed, legitimate gun stores.
... Which simply means that the person will either get hold of the purchase price of a firearm in cash and arrange for some