
Look at the nearly-implicit rape-culture depicted on most of the ‘biggest hit movies’ of the 1980s, along with the almost implicit messaging that the female characters existed SOLELY to justify the hero-teen’s existence or condemn the villain’s. No agency of their own that the boys couldn’t take away. And that doesn’t

To paraphrase the last real President, “Yes, we _can_ . No, we _won’t_ .” Speaking for myself, I know how to read a recipe for Beef Wellington, but I’ll probably never actually do so. Partially because that’s one expensive and very time-consuming meal, and partially because I simply do not care enough to bother

A question for the folks who really like doing detailed dives into Teh Intartoobz: Has anyone ever refuted Schlafly’s arguments, point by point? Or even just responded to them? I realize that she spewed so many ridiculous points that any actual solid questions she raised might have been lost within the noise. However,

My theory? The “flatness” of the land has less to do with it than the “civilized” insistence on staying in one place. The pre-Columbian tribes tended to move around a lot, following the game and the growing seasons. Modern Americans suffer from social conditioning and legal pressure to keep their residence address in

I can think of a couple of solutions for that. One is to make sure that “municipal ISPs” are legal throughout the state; they’re basically cheaper and faster than any privately-owned ISP can ever be, which is why so many states have outlawed them. With municipal ISPs a legal possibility, then we can facilitate

The fact that such a bill would likely pass unimpeded in any of the former Confederate states simply reinforces the inherent elitism of that region’s ‘real’ culture. Introducing legislation like this, especially with Orwellian doublespeak used to label it as “a bill of compassion” (when it clearly has NOTHING to do

Sounds like a new, unlimited source of energy!
Put a Drill Instructor in a water-tank, then make him/her watch a video of these chuds in action.
The D.I. worthy of the hat will likely become so incensed at the sight of all the offenses against gun-safety, uniforms, patriotism, etc that their sheer rage will evaporate

Oh, absolutely. That’s part of the false narrative the bigots want to spin: that this whole thing was “nothing but true Virginians defending their right to bear arms”.
I kept emphasizing this in discussions with a token-Conservative Facebook-friend back during and after Charlottesville, and he never once acknowledged

The military has something of a screening process. Doesn’t catch all the wanna-be Nazis, but the racists who spent their youth playing “Call of Duty” as opposed to actually getting exercise got sorted out fairly quickly. The vast majority of the folks who participated in this protest were, of course, in the second

That’s what “burner accounts” are for, mate. Duck on over to the archived articles about how to establish and maintain your digital privacy while blowing the whistle on dirty dealings, then pick up that recent book that analyzes the hits and misses of other famous whistleblowers over the course of the last ten years

So, the only ways to stay off the LE radar mean burner-phones and posing as racists until actually arriving at the site? Might force the LE folks to “vet” the racists a little more thoroughly...

I’m old enough to remember watching “Simon & Simon” on cable. Particularly relevant to this discussion is an episode (whose title eludes me at the moment) in which Rick and AJ get caught somewhere south of the border on Christmas Eve. AJ settles down across from Rick at an airport lounge table and asks, "What are you

It's a matter of propaganda. Not just the stuff that gets blared around in public everywhere in former Dixie-land, but alnost literally from conception; "Southern rick" music, Confederate bedtime stories, grey-uniformed school mascots... No one born and raised in the firmer Confederate states gets away without a

More to do with making a choice to exchange objective truth and personal integrity for party loyalty, in hopes of getting scraps from the Old White Boys’ Club table. We could probably show her verified copies of the letters of secession sent from each of the Confederate states’ capitols, announcing both their

What a pimp-slap to the face of every progressive, PoC and feminist it would be for her to become the first female POTUS...

The fascinating thing, to me, is the Christians’ persistent conflation of “religion” with “spirituality”. The two concepts share roughly the same relationship as “history” and “news”, respectively, but it took me years after moving out of my parents’ house and socializing with folks who operated completely outside the

Variant opinion from a guy, here: I’ve stumbled onto a convenient skincare routine that works for me. Wash face with 99-cent 3-in-1 stuff about 5-6 times a week... And only work graveyard shifts. I get maybe 2-3 hours of sun exposure a day, if I don’t need to go outside. Heh heh heh.

Mr. Jones distresses his entire physiology by keeping himself in a perpetual state of frothing outrage. Fortunately for the rest of us, he also consumes the “nutrient supplement products” he shills as fundraisers. Those things are formulated by folks who apparently don’t know what they’re doing and which (allegedly)

You may just have something, there. I mean, come on: Dick Cheney had a quadruple cardiac bypass and he’s still spewing his toxins. If a guy that evil can be kept around for this long, who knows what unholy measures they can deploy for the rest of them?

Going with “Now We Are Free” from.thr “Gladiator” soundtrack, myself. Haven’t picked out a libation, but leaning toward some version of a Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster. Since, to paraphrase a line from Herbert Lom’s Chief Inspector Dreyfuss from one of the Pink Panther movies, "... The thought of a world without Moscow