
Agreement, with the proviso that “Warm Bodies” was the only such movie for me; I’m just a sucker for a redemptive arc.

Stephen King handily provided the basis of an appropriate response to the “Good Man” narrative in the “Dark Tower” novels: John Farson, referred to as “The Good Man” when Roland was a boy.

Damn... Blowing all those conservative dogwhistles at the same time... Good thing he’s such a bloated gasbag.

Nice to get confirmation, if not quite official and in exhaustive detail. Definitely promises to be quite a show. So very many GOP-ers have welded their political careers to that of The Redcap in Chief that when, not if, he goes down...

Feel like trying to set that to music, based on "Stuck In The Middle"?

Dude, a first-year Comp Sci major from a community college would likely do a better job of securing those servers. Primarily because said student would have actual knowledge of the processes, as opposed to just being really good at sucking up to Herr Drumpfenfuhrer and the GOP-loyalist political hacks.

DDefinitely not a first.

Nothing in particular. We all know that the MAGA-hats have voluntarily surrendered their capacity to think for themselves when it comes to the Redcap in Chief, which means that we’ll probably have to deal with quite a spate of ‘lone wolf’ actions when he’s either impeached or voted out.

Fascinating how about 95% of the “wharrgarrble” spewing from these “more conservative than thou” folks centers specifically on the messenger, with the remaining 5% addressing her actual message amounting to “climate change is still a libtard hoax that wants to take your guns, your meat, your big truck and your

Who’s got a line on a bookie taking bets for how long it takes her to get harassed off the platform? Sure, she’ll get a ton of Russian bot-accounts trying to be supportive, but that’s not really their “best”...

Basically, trying to undercut “The Handmaid’s Tale” ever ending by turning tge ENTIRE WORLD into “Gilead”, so there can be no place to escape and no possibility of resistance?

Depends on how easily the stuff can be made in any kitchen, and how common are the ingredients. More specifically, if the government can trace who bought significant quantities of the precursors of left detectable traces of the manufacturing process.

Well, if we really wanted to split those philosophical points as finely as possible, we could debate whether it's "Republicans as a whole" or "racist, elitist regressives", but as the GOP stands today there's no practical difference...

Which was precisely why that clip of him flying to pieces on global televison when his interviewer calmly and firmly slapped down all of his usual tricks remains so very, very gratifying.

Heh. Flashing back to "Smile Time", from the "Angel" series...

Voiceover: “We’ve secretly replaced Shapiro’s coffee with decaf, and provided hia opponents with Black Blood of the Earth, from Funranium Labs. Let’s see what happens...”

The Republicans you describe ascribe to the notion that, some day, as a reward for faithfully upholding the party line and voting against the interests of literally everyone on Earth who is not a member of the American Republican Inner (Richest) Party, they shall be granted an extra plateful of money-scraps. Stolen

My family simply is not very good at socializing. Or at least we weren’t during my formative years. I met with two biological cousins during Christmas get-togethers until we were graduated from high school. We didn’t always do this, as my father’s job dragged him across quite a lot of North America, and Mom and us

His precious ego will always take precedence over reality. Sadly, when (NOT if) he finally breaks, there's an excellent chance that he will take a lot of us with him while he sobs his way to Hell...

Donnie learned, early and thoroughly, that only losers admit to mistakes or being wrong in any way. It was apparently the last genuinely new idea to enter his head with any degree of ease; I suspect that every lesson he may have learned since then required a larger number of repetitions to ‘sink in’, and even that