
Additionally! As a Tennessean, I can tell you, timing-wise, this isn’t super. Phil Bredesen on Friday did a complete 180 in supporting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation (horrifying all of his Democratic supporters). So, good for Taylor kinda, but she can do more, and this wasn’t the best time either.

you. dont. get. a. cookie. for. doing. the. bare. fucking. minimum.

Timing matters. She showed up, doesn’t change the fact that she was late. She could have showed up in 2016. Poll after poll shows white women don’t show up. That’s a voting block she could have moved in the needle on in 2016. Y’all love to accept bare minimum standards when it’s your fave.

I mean how many “props” does she need? She’s getting tons for doing something very minor and very easy. I see it all over the place. I think it's fair to put her action in perspective and context. Is there any amount of praise that would be sufficient for all the people still complaining she’s not getting enough?

Her career started well over a decade ago. Let’s just pretend that her target audience then was young teens. That means they’re well past the age to start voting. I think the average age of her fans now are 20-30 year olds. Your take is a terrible one.

Hard agree.  Taylor does something good, something that this site has been bitching about her not doing for eons, and it still isn’t enough.  Just say you hate her and you will never approve of anything she does just because of who she is and get it over with.  

First, yeah Taylor Swift.

The American leg of her tour to end.

Aw, our Bobby is a mensch!

This seriously did not need to be the week to take a dump on Taylor Swift for doing something right. 

I’m a Tennessean and we really need all the help we can get, so I’m pretty thankful for Taylor Swift speaking up. Marsha Blackburn is a fucking scourge and deserves the guillotine, honestly. 

Oh, my fave Taylor Swift song.

Seriously.  I don't love her but I'm proud of her for this, and happy for her fans.  Also hoping it does encourage some of them to vote and make her proud 

Especially in this highly charged atmosphere. A post like this is guaranteed to result in threats. This took guts. 

I can quibble about how long it took, but I am very glad she decided to do this and I think this could actually have an effect on the race, particularly with undecideds.

Off topic, but I do believe that Bobby Finger, formerly of Dirt Bag fame, got married this weekend. Can anyone confirm?


I feel like what’s telling about Swift’s timing is that her US tour wrapped up a day before the announcement. Girl ain’t dumb, and I’m happy she’s starting to speak up.