
I’m skeptical on Flo “stepping in to direct” any of the film. There are usually other units and backups for that sort of thing, no?

People always share really heartwarming ghost stories in this contest. This isn’t that exactly, but I hope it’s the prelude to someone else’s heartwarming ghost story.

As a kid, I was bitten by our mini schnauzer more times than I can remember. Never once, did I not deserve it. I can’t imagine my family having euthanized her because I teased her to the point where she told me “STOP IT” the only way she knew how.

I feel like I’ve seen interviews with the two of them where he made jokes at her expense. Nothing major, but little jokes that belied his own insecurities about being with a gorgeous woman.

This story is the first I’ve heard of any of this (that Sudeikis has kids with Wilde, and that she apparently is now dating Harry Styles) and I get mega strong jerk vibes from it. It feels like one of those “she broke up with him because he’s a jerk but is trying to be civil for the kids’ sake” stories. Thinking that

Now playing

That’s pretty harsh. You should try a little tenderness.

I have been having a lot of dreams in which I am in a public space and then realize I and everyone around me is not wearing a mask. Inevitably, the next day, I will in fact forget my mask somewhere.

Sudeikis has always given me jerk vibes. Not sure why, just a feeling I have. 

If he was 17, it doesn’t count. It’s absolutely the job of adults not to sleep with 17 year olds if they don’t want their marriage to end.

Old Bruce has been in quarantine with his family for months now so he seems to want to do the right thing, even if he is conservative. If he didn’t make a stink at the store, I’m willing to let this one incident go because everyone deserves one mulligan.

I’ve done the same and only realized when everyone was giving me weird stares and I sheepishly ran back to get it.

Sheesh! Jason and his team needs to stop now. They tried to correct the timeline narrative (I get it), but now he’s looking desperate, no? He hopes “...that this is just a phase and that Olivia will snap out of it or that Harry will get bored and move on before too long...” He needs to wish them well and move on. It’s

Tabloids are boring me now with Olivia, Harry and Jason now. The fact is it’s not particularly shocking or scandalous at all, but they just want to drag it out and dramatise it for clicks (of course). Move on!

I was having a no sleep day about a month ago, had a mask in my pocket, got out of the car and stood in line at Trader Joe’s for about 5 minutes before I realized I didn’t have it on. I apologized to everyone, we were all six feet apart and outside, and put it on immediately. Everyone was very nice and said they’d all

Ya, I don’t think it’s having the calming effect it intended. I’ll have to listen a few times to be sure. 

As someone who recently had a sex dream about John Mayer for no apparant reason, I am ready for this. 

I scrambled through this article to find the deets: IS IT FREE? WHERE IS IT? APP? INTERNET? HOW MUCH?

It’s 100% worth the cost if you are someone who has trouble sleeping. I’ve had it for at least 2 years and I still haven’t gotten through 50% of the stories. The celebrity ones are mostly just to get clicks and articles (seems like it’s working), most are done by professional voice actors (shout out to my main man

I downloaded the Calm app in a fit of insomnia at the beginning of the year. 30 days later, I was convinced my apple account had been hacked with a $69 charge!! And then I remembered that I did it to myself. I enjoyed falling asleep to Matthew McConaughey and had high hopes for starting a meditation practice. Didn’t