
Nonstop death threats from people that couldn’t give a shit about SCOTUS or anything to do with the hearing or future decisions.

I’m glad there are no whispers about a Hirono presidential run, because it seems to allow her freer rein to say what we are all thinking without giving a shit about the consequences. She’s beloved in Hawaii and can remain their senator as long as she wants and she knows it. I love that she isn’t afraid to pull any

She risked everything to do her civic duty and we still ended up with a pervert on the Supreme Court. It was all for show to the republicans. Why didn’t they save her and her family this fear by simply telling her they really didn’t care what she had to say their minds were made up. I truly don't understand how any


Given what we know about Brett and his friends, it’s likely they brag about all sorts of horrible things in public. On their yearbooks ffs.

Also, send postcards as opposed to letters in envelopes - less security concerns that way.

Only Senator Hirono was working to correctly reframe the discussion to say that Kavanaugh must prove that he is innocent. That in this process he is the one with the burden of proof, not the accuser!

I really admire Senator Hirono. Keep up the good work!

Don’t forget that sweet rape attention, which we all crave

So, let’s get something straight. A private, female citizen came forward to tell the country about her experience with sexual assault because she felt it was her duty to do so in order to give the people in charge a clear picture of the man who they were about to put on the highest court in the land for a lifetime

Man, the Fabergé egg treatment isn't what it used to be. 

Can’t she use some of that rape accusation money to just buy a new house?

Tell me more about how men’s lives are ruined by rape accusations, and women only do it for that sweet rape money.

Cool guys should throw grenades from a safe distance.

“Why don’t women come forward when this happens and not X number of years later?”

See, I read this and I nod my head vigorously, but then I head over to The Atlantic and read that piece about how conservative women hate Christine Blasey Ford. And I head to NPR and I read about how the Kavanaugh thing has erased the enthusiasm lead that Democrats had going into the midterms. And that’s when I

I have nothing witty to add here but I try to always remind people that Kobe Bryant is a rapist whenever I happen to be talking about him, which is thankfully rarely, because fuck that guy.

The trial fucking enraged me. Kobe had his scumbag lawyer “accidentally” use the accuser’s full name in open court half a dozen times just to make sure it got out there so legions of unhinged fans would make her life a living hell until she gave up and went away. And it fucking worked. The judge threatened to hold her