

What’s this kid rock look he’s got going on?

Remember when people used to withdraw their name or resign to spare their family further humiliation? Those were the days.

His family, friends, and country hsve been his enablers.

Just like the rotting bag of mango custard he will be working for.

It’s as much of a waste of time as going on to America’s Next Top Model to succeed in that field. If you meet the basic requirements to be a model just make your life easier and go visit existing agencies. If you don’t have the right stuff, you essentially have a snowball’s chance in hell of earning a living as a model

watching & rewatching his testimony from last Thursday and I get the feels for how many times his wife is suffering and thinking “what the FUCK?” Now she gets her just rewards for marrying the fuck and has, somehow, seen enough benefit in staying with him even as all his past jackassery and likely rapey-ness is

“orchestrated hit...” they’re really pulling out all the stops to incite the dramatic Goodfellas, Sopranos, Godfather outlaw fantasies of the trump base (as well as with trump himself). 

Where are the internet assholes doxxing his family and sending them death threats? He probably wouldn’t actually give a shit though...

Yes, I think after a few seasons you’ve pretty much covered all the would-be showbiz stars in your country.

It’s not just Kavanaugh, it’s the entire Republican Party. The Republicans don’t care what this will do to the Court or to America. They are doubling down with every new revelation: they are letting us know that they don’t care if any of their boys shoot someone on Fifth Avenue or rape someone on the altar of the

At this point, he’s in too deep. He’s now opened himself up to charges of lying before Congress and others, in addition to still being credibly accused of sexual assault. If he goes down, he’s losing his current job too.

It’s a character from Mark Judge’s book and widely assumed to be based on his buddy Kavanaugh. He combined a stereotype about the Irish with a first name that closely resembles that of his loser drinking buddy - insulting as well as extremely chicken-shit.

I didn’t even know Bradley Cooper played Rocket. In my mind, he’ll be remembered for one thing, and one thing only:

Hell. He should go to hell. Since he's Catholic, it's even the really bad one.

Serious question: If the writers at Jezebel dislike Ansel Elgort as much as this article seems to communicate, why do you all write about him so much?

We’ve had a big infestation this year... maybe it’s an El Nino thing, aggravated by climate change.

Are mediocre white men with entitlement issues bred wholesale in giant tanks somewhere? Cause there seems to have been a leak, and they’re EVERYWHERE lately.

This is my utter lack of surprise.