
No.  She dips her jade eggs in it and shoves them up her vagina. 

Gwyneth drinks whisky from a cup?

Proof that gay men can be a viciously misogynist as any straight bro.

I do not know a single woman who has not experienced some form of male sexual aggression. I’ll turn 60 in January, but still remember incidents that happened when I was 14, and 16, and 17, and 22, and 30, and 35 . . . Some were humiliating innuendos, some were actual assaults, some were in high school and college,

also: please do call out democratic nominees for (real) sexual misconduct. Lets root all of them out on both sides. Let’s not make it political! Just everyone say from all sides that sexual misconduct is unacceptable and drive it out whenever we find it.

Totally. I had occasionally appreciated when he’d call his dumbass party out, but he has gone way past the deep end. That press gaggle where he disavowed everything we’ve just heard and essentially threatened Dem nominees with similar accusations as though this is all some political game just shows his moral

I’m not saying Lindsay was ever a great guy, but man did he go off the deep end once his patron/BFF/life partner was diagnosed with cancer. Once he figured out McCain was not long for this world, he started cozying up to Trump real fast.  It has not been good for him.

Nothing sadder than a closet-case who hates women. Needs a beating.

Look there was a guy who just went through this same nomination process nominated by the same president who somehow didn’t have accusers come after him. Weird how that happened. It’s almost like this guy did something wrong...

This is especially apt given your username.

FiveThirtyEight pointed out on Twitter earlier today that Republicans have never appointed a woman to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not one. Ever. Only Dems.

Go ahead, conservatives. Find a bunch of highly-credible and professionally-successful women willing to accuse democratic SCOTUS nominees of sexual assault.

A cowardly bigot who hides behind “decency” when he wants to appear centrist but vomits bullshit at the slightest opportunity to hurt a woman.

There needs to be one message with regards to Lindsey, “What does Trump have on you?” Just over and over and over until he goes insane. 

Fucking fuckface fucker

Roadtrip to WI? 

What a ridiculous interruption from Grassley when Senator Feinstein tried to introduce Dr. Ford. He was never going to introduce her!

This has been the most exhausting. I’ve been reliving my multiple rapes and abuse by my longterm highschool bf all week while seeing these headlines. I’m not even able to read full articles because my brain blacks out; it can’t handle it.
I wish I could drain the bank accounts and funds of all these assholes pushing