So the story here is the paparazzi couldn’t find Robert Pattinson for a whole day? Because who else would be monitoring him so closely? Whenever I fly to Spain from LA, I prefer that first day to be spent in bed, too. Get your rest, Robert.
So the story here is the paparazzi couldn’t find Robert Pattinson for a whole day? Because who else would be monitoring him so closely? Whenever I fly to Spain from LA, I prefer that first day to be spent in bed, too. Get your rest, Robert.
R-Patz was probably super bummed about Hazel and Megan's re-review of Twilight.
The Republican modus operandi is always the same: They tell their slavish followers it’s a setup, it didn’t really happen, it’s all fake news, these are crisis actors hired by the Democrats to unfairly take down ________ (fill in the blank). We’re apparently living in a parallel universe, where everything liberals…
As a woman her age, I read it as a) I’m nobody’s victim, and b) I could be YOUR wife, or sister, or co-worker. Also, not a sleazebag, not looking to profit from this. Just an ordinary middle-aged Mom who was assaulted like so many others when we were all teenagers. Although I also see your point, and agree it’s a…
If only she smiled....less? God we just can't win, can we? Be brave, stand up for what's right, risk your career and life, and still get told you're presenting yourself wrong.
Makes me wonder who else has shit on my ex-husband...
I don’t really see anything wrong with the photo. Most people smile in the photos.
I actually think it’s a good picture to submit. She looks wholesome and cute. Avenatti has handled a lot of cases and he knows how juries think.
This is discussed over on the Splinter thread, but just for anyone who didn’t see it:
All of these women are so fucking brave for recounting their personal traumas. I am so pissed that people suggest that this is an organized, political hit job. The declaration in its entirety is so chilling and upsetting. Anyone who fails to see a pattern in his behavior at this point is willfully ignorant/in deep…
There’s. NEVER. just. one.
Eddieee did not give affection!...
The Citizen Kane bit at the end was perfect.
500 days of Kristen. Never forget. God that was my favourite internet thing for...a long time. Like...a year and half or something. BRB balancing in/on/over/under heels.
One of you recently introduced me to this unparalleled gem which I now feel compelled to share at any mention of Shia LaBoeuf.
Isn’t that the sad truth.
He’s only TWO YEARS older than Beto? I mean, christ, I know you’re right about the aging process of right-wing shitbags (cough, Stephen Miller, cough) but damn.
Yes-- on a photo taken by someone else that he chose to post. So he sought out this picture to share.