
I’m glad. Clearly, Harry was watching over them.

How's your family? Are they back in PR? I know things aren't great there still.

I always find the Raf hate weird because Michael actually sucked super hard in the first season. Don’t get me wrong, ol’ Potato Head grew on me and I definitely agree they leaned hard into the standard romance tropes re: Raf and predetermined love vs. Michael and loving the person you’ve chosen BUUUUUT Raf as a

I never understood the Andy love either. Or the ongoing Jerry joke.

Unfortunately, Tan has said multiple times that he likes Bieber’s style. Headdesk. I love Tan, but it pisses me off that this so-called style that a poor person would have made over on the show is lauded in the wealthy.

I’m so confused why rich young people these days want to look like 80s rednecks.

I know nothing about him IRL, but I don’t like his character. He sucks. #teamMichaelforever

Don’t those poor Starbucks employees have enough problems?

Yes! I’ve been pushing this Ted Talk on people to show how great he is. He even has a website that has videos on it where he talks to other men about the pressures of being a man. He’s an awesome all around guy who is using his fame for a positive platform. 

Straight woman here, and uh, we would also like a slice of this. 

The only Rhiannon song I know is by Fleetwood Mac. She was taken by the wind. She also promised me Heaven if I stayed. I didn’t want to though, Heaven smelled too much like lemon Pledge.

Perhaps she could advocate to improve Barbados’s worst-in-the-hemisphere record on LGBT laws. Just a suggestion.


I mean...I don’t actually find him attractive? He kind of looks like the *description* of a hot guy, not an *actual* hot guy. Like the La Croix of dudes.  But YMMV.

From everything I’ve read, he seems likes a really sweet man, and a DEVOTED father. He’s Baha’i, which I don’t know much about (I’m an ex-Catholic-now-fervent-Atheist), but seems...kinda cool? They believe in men and women being equal, for one thing. From Wikipedia:

I’ve been on Team Baldoni since he was on Everwood. Unfortunately, his awesome didn’t rub off on Chris Pratt.

I’m a lesbian, and even I can see that man is HOT.

I really don’t get what everyone sees in him and why everyone calls him hot? In my (rarely) humble opinion I’d say that he’s cute, like a puppy is cute...but not hot. Now if we’re talking hot, let me present...

Unfortunately, discourse on the film quickly moved passed the issue of casting white actors for four of the five love-interests over a single Asian love-interest. They also made the only gay love-interest black.