I’m glad. Clearly, Harry was watching over them.
I’m glad. Clearly, Harry was watching over them.
I always find the Raf hate weird because Michael actually sucked super hard in the first season. Don’t get me wrong, ol’ Potato Head grew on me and I definitely agree they leaned hard into the standard romance tropes re: Raf and predetermined love vs. Michael and loving the person you’ve chosen BUUUUUT Raf as a…
I never understood the Andy love either. Or the ongoing Jerry joke.
Unfortunately, Tan has said multiple times that he likes Bieber’s style. Headdesk. I love Tan, but it pisses me off that this so-called style that a poor person would have made over on the show is lauded in the wealthy.
I’m so confused why rich young people these days want to look like 80s rednecks.
I know nothing about him IRL, but I don’t like his character. He sucks. #teamMichaelforever
Don’t those poor Starbucks employees have enough problems?
Yes! I’ve been pushing this Ted Talk on people to show how great he is. He even has a website that has videos on it where he talks to other men about the pressures of being a man. He’s an awesome all around guy who is using his fame for a positive platform.
Straight woman here, and uh, we would also like a slice of this.
The only Rhiannon song I know is by Fleetwood Mac. She was taken by the wind. She also promised me Heaven if I stayed. I didn’t want to though, Heaven smelled too much like lemon Pledge.
Perhaps she could advocate to improve Barbados’s worst-in-the-hemisphere record on LGBT laws. Just a suggestion.
I mean...I don’t actually find him attractive? He kind of looks like the *description* of a hot guy, not an *actual* hot guy. Like the La Croix of dudes. But YMMV.
From everything I’ve read, he seems likes a really sweet man, and a DEVOTED father. He’s Baha’i, which I don’t know much about (I’m an ex-Catholic-now-fervent-Atheist), but seems...kinda cool? They believe in men and women being equal, for one thing. From Wikipedia:
I’ve been on Team Baldoni since he was on Everwood. Unfortunately, his awesome didn’t rub off on Chris Pratt.
I’m a lesbian, and even I can see that man is HOT.
Unfortunately, discourse on the film quickly moved passed the issue of casting white actors for four of the five love-interests over a single Asian love-interest. They also made the only gay love-interest black.