
I love this line!

This is one of the biggest problems women face - the idea that as long as they don’t “put up with any inappropriate behaviour”, nothing bad will happen to them. Ergo, any woman who gets harassed or assaulted MUST have inadvertently or deliberately encouraged the man.

During Elvis Presley’s Hollywood years, he liked to throw big parties at his Bel Air home and have lots of decorative starlets around the pool. But Elvis had a major foot fetish, and didn’t want to see any girls with gnarly feet.


A source said that Chua quickly responded, saying that her own daughter would not put up with any inappropriate behaviour.”

I don’t know if it’s been called out here yet but...get the fuck out of here with this disingenuous ‘she hired a lawyer back in August’ bullshit. That was last fucking month, but he tries to make it sound like it was just aaaaages ago and she’s had soooo much time to prepare. Fuck that and fuck him.

I’ll never treat any Republican with anything but the contempt they deserve, ever again in my life.

Susan was bought and paid for years ago. She just pretends to care. 

Well, y’all did elect a president with all sorts of credible allegations against him..... soooo.....

Not just them. The US has some of the lowest voter turnout in the developed world. As long as almost half of the eligible voters continue to not vote, not much is going to change. 

Yes, that is exactly what the immoral minions of the racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people are about to do, unless someone can turn the tables on them.

All of this is true, and horrible, and utterly predictable, and HE FUCKING PERJURED HIMSELF AT LEAST 4 TIMES. JESUS.

Now playing

They have no intention of listening to anything. They intend to attack her like a pack of rabid dogs when/if she appears. If they feel good about themselves when it’s all over, it will be because they’ve “won.”

A big old fuck you to all the assholes who didn’t vote in 2016 because “both parties are the same”.

I don’t know why I'm surprised and raging right now. I honestly felt that with the current climate the GOP were backed into doing the right thing (investigation followed by hearing) because of the optics. Oh well, ramming Kavanaugh through is most important. 

No, these things are important and we need to rush to fill vacancies on the court as fast as possible. Just ask Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland.

Aaaand right-wing folks will act like they turned the tables on her, saying they didn’t let her get away with her “say one word and he’s a convicted rapist” ploy. They won’t see this miserable outcome as it is: the status quo in a social climate in which no sane woman with anything to lose would ever accuse a man,

I told my boss yesterday that I just knew they’re going to find a way to screw this up even WORSE than the way they treated Anita Hill. Twenty-five goddamn years later and things have only gotten worse.