
I’m gay and I completely get his appeal.

I’m lower, fewer clothes please. (And serious question - what is with the giant bows on men’s shirts?There’s a bunch of T.O.P in giant bows 

*orders another bottle*

I hate how much I want what you are describing.

Whew! I feel like buying Tremonti a beer for her efforts, trying to push back on THAT much stupid. Several hundred beers. Men like him, the interruptors, the minimizers, the creators of strawwomen, are so exhausting. "But enough of what women think, back to ME..." 

Now playing

At least Shia LaBeouf can laugh at himself.

While a tiny smattering of female models actually make bank, the vast majority of female models make very little, and sometimes have to work for rich clients without getting paid (they get paid in “exposure” and leftover clothes). And models, no matter how high on the totem pole they are, are still subject to

excuse me i need to change my underwear

I believe Viola Davis had to have a word or two with him.  And they didn’t even have any scenes together.

And they aren’t bad unless they can be proven in a court of law to be illegal. Even if the bad thing happened so long ago that the statute of limitations will prevent it from ever being presented in a court of law. Still, innocent until “proven” guilty. Oh, and also for some reason the most rich and powerful men in

Newsflash: people have different tastes and nothing says you have to understand them. Weird huh!

Do women have it confused?  No, dipshit, most women can explain it to you using examples from their own life.  Women have it down.

I listened to a snippet of this in the car this morning, including the bit in which MacArthur provokes Tremonti, repeatedly talking over her attempts to interview him, then chides her for her tone.

How can we get him to go away?  As far as I’m concerned he has no socially redeeming value, and I don’t ever need to hear about him.

Well hey guys how about you help us women with our tiny lady brains and stop doing both those things so we don’t have to try and figure it out.

It’s like he’s trying out out douche Shia Laboufe.  I think he’s winning. 

Ooof. I love, love, love the “Thirsty Seconds to Mars” line for all the truth in it.

Oh, but didn’t you hear? It’s not sexual harassment, assault, or rape. It’s misguided romantic overtures. 

Well duh, we all know that things aren’t bad unless they’re illegal! Women are required to silently tolerate harassment that stays just on this side of prosecutable behavior.

Right. It’s not women who are confused about the difference between harassment and assault. Most of us learn that first hand, at very young ages, a lesson which is repeated often enough so that there’s really no opportunity to forget.