
CAN THEY STOP CALLING ST ALBAN’S NORTH LONDON!?!?!?!?!?! I know that matters to no one but argh gucci it’s not even in the GLA!

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You know when else he was extremely lovely?

*bows deeply*

mine, too. I realize that Bright Star is one of Campion’s lesser-known films, but it’s so lovely. Bobby Finger could write a celebratory flashback about Bright Star, couldn’t he?

Here’s a little bit of info about Kavanaugh’s “alleged” co-attacker, Mark Judge, from the Washington Post. Apparently, he really loves Noel Coward and domestic violence:

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This quote is hilarious to me because it’s basically a rewording of Melissa McCarthy’s sentiments. If he really is that perfect, maybe he is the son of a god.

Yeah, well...whatever.” - Jamie Dornan

Had a great conversation just last night about how important men are to the #metoo movement, have also had great conversations with my male boss about misogyny in the legal field and his role and responsibility in actively promoting our female associate including language and perceptions.

When I wemt to see it there was a lot of laughter from the audience, which you just don’t expect when watching this genre. I liked it, because the prospect of taking Anna Kendricks character seriously was just too much for me. I’m glad they leaned into how ridiculous some things were.

Saw it last night and really enjoyed it. The rest of the audience was into it too. It’s funny, dark, and a mystery. Highly recommend.

I got to see an advanced screening of this a couple weeks ago and what really struck me was that it’s NOTHING like what the trailers try to paint it as. I went in expecting pure noir mystery but what I got was off-the-rails camp and I LOVED IT.

I really liked it, and it’s 100% down to Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively.  I was super impressed by some of the scenes with Blake Lively that I can’t talk about because of spoilers.  

I keep hoping that with keeping Kavanaugh out of office, we are righting a wrong from 25 years ago and telling the world that we won’t tolerate sexual abusers in positions of power.

Yeah, they should call every one of those sixty-five women to testify at this point.

Yeah. Fuck, I had hoped not to actually have to see an Anita Hill-type hearing in my lifetime, but looks like we’re going through this again. What a shitshow.

Knowing that Kavanaugh is a born pussy grabber since back in the day will only make Donnie love him more.


I wish I could send my support to her in some way, this is going to be tough, but sane women everywhere understand and appreciate the incredible sacrifice she is making. One tiny silver lining of this whole thing is I think a lot of people who weren’t taught about Anita Hill learned a lot more about her bravery and con

Sending all the good vibes in the world to Dr. Ford. No woman deserves what happened to her, or what she’s going through now.