
I spent weeks raging at Trump after Maria hit. Much of the island was still inaccessible, but the moron was trumpeting the low death toll. It was just like Katrina where many of the victims died due to the lack of swift restoration of the infrastructure. Basically, FEMA delivered supplies to a devastated area, and

The really nice thing about the deal is that it include a civil forfeiture of some $20M, which can’t be reversed by, oh, say, a Presidential pardon...

Wow, he's really got that '80s suburban redneck, bondo-covered '69 Camaro-driving, high school girl chasing, child support shirking, Skynrd listening, donut in the parking lot by Fotomat doing, look DOWN. That's quite something!

Your last paragraph, so much. Publicly documented pieces of shit like Xxxtentacion and 69 rappers have become MORE popular in the face of their transgressions. 

I don’t think that’s the case anymore but I knew a girl who would enthusiastically tell the story of how her friend heard Bruce Springsteen was engaged while she was grilling some burgers and immediately found her Born in the USA record and melted it on the grill. And I recall a Donny Osmond interview where he said

This was my experience.

As someone who had a little bit of a minor following within a very specific sene when I was a musician, there are two reasons why you don’t want people to know you have a girlfriend. The first is safety. You’d be surprised how many jealous women angrily confronted my girlfriend, the one time I was open about having

I’ll bet Rihanna has an army of beauty technicians to make sure she never has to think about snagging toenails, but the rest of us can avoid ripping our stunning lace bodysuits (that we totally wear all the time and can pull off almost as well as Rihanna) by putting on socks while we put on the bodysuit, then removing

Of course she did. She’s one of those women, like Cate Blanchett and Tilda Swinton, who have the innate style, charisma and presence to make anything look good. 

Because shorts aren’t practical when you’re actually doing cowboy stuff, like walking around in areas filled with prickly vegetation, sitting down in the dirt to eat dinner out in the bug-rich wilderness, and riding horses on a hard, flappy western saddle.

I’m interracial (black/white mix) as well, and I totally get what she’s saying. A few years ago I was in a s mall group meeting and two of the other women were interracial and it was the largest number of interracial people I had ever been part of. Seriously. It’s largely been a blessing, but I admit that I am extra


“Jamie credits her radiant skin to two very affordable products you may actually already use.”

Unless the police that arrested her happen to be big fans of pop-country one hit wonders that haven’t been relevant in about 15 years except for that one time Sarah Palin said she liked her music in 2008, I really doubt that Gretchen Wilson was being targeted for her fame. You might just be an asshole girl. :/

I’d heard her name here and there, but admittedly had my head pretty far in the sand while in law school from 2012-2015. But my point is, Tish James has been on the ground stirring up shit in NYC for a long time, Teachout has not. She tries her hat in the ring come election time but other than that...

You don’t necessarily have to be an outsider to be effective though. Tish James has been a pain in the ass to the power structures that be for a long long time--she has a proven record of being out there on the ground fighting the good fight. I’d never even heard of Teachout until a couple months ago. Where's she been?

goddammit I remember when the only Palin we cared about was Michael, who is a delightful person and not a colossal jackass AT ALL

I highly recommend that everyone go follow Kate Beckinsale on IG. She is a delight. 

Jeffrey Epstein has done a fantastic job of being so utterly rotten to the core that no one can catch him because he just liquefies into putrid mush anytime someone gets close. He is so well connected and I’m sure has procured unspeakable things for so many celebrities, dignitaries and politicians that it would make a