
He writes for Men’s Health and calls other men “bro.” He really has no defense.

The rest is Jane the Virgin and Brooklyn Nine Nine.

Speaking of Evening Shade, I was very surprised that none of the fluff pieces on Burt Reynolds I saw mentioned his 4 or 5 year run on this show, which was at times quite charming.

Exactly this. Alcohol makes someone think their dumb stories are hilarious and witty, it doesn’t suddenly make someone’s brain go “yep, it’s okay to grab this stranger’s ass”.

Do not get on a writer’s bad side. They know all the best words and how to put them together.

Also, now on top of my rage about Moonves getting away with abusing women for decades, I am also angry that he denied the world a TV show created by Linda Bloodworth Thomason and starring Huey Lewis. MONSTER.

In addition to the cop shows it also explains how Kevin James can get the same show with a hot wife twice.

Designing Women WAS FANTASTIC! Why hasn’t it ever been on syndication anywhere? Nearly all the shows of its time have been or currently are. Things are really adding up!

Ive been following this via James Fell, who is one of my favorites. Aragon has been dropping every single excuse in this books. His apologies have turned into non-apologies. Everything is blamed on alcohol. The more I hear and read about this whole series of events, and the more I see how much backup he was getting

Now playing

I have always loved her work and wondered what happened to her career. Such great material, then...nothing.

Andrew is a horrible, horrible person.

In this case I feel like it’s less about “deplatforming” Norm and more that Fallon/The Tonight Show wouldn’t want to get into this conversation or talk about the comments made and so if they were to avoid it they’d get called out afterwards for dancing around the topic. Sort of a lose lose scenario in their eyes so

I mean.

I like Norm too, but he is one of those, “People were tougher in the old days. Today people are wimps!” kind of guys. No Norm, people weren’t tougher in the old days, some people just had to settle for being abused in the old days.

What a sackless show. The right thing to do here is to take Norm to task for the shitty things he said. But Fallon is incapable of an interview that involves something other playing air guitar, tousling hair and giggling.

You know who’s responsible for Norm McDonald getting bumped, don’t you?

I read The Help and wanted to know more about the working women and their perspectives. The Help’s author referenced Telling Memories Among Southern Women by Susan Tucker, so I got a copy.

Same. That and the fact that Jeff Garlin’s said in interviews that she was really horrrible on set and would run around yelling for her husband “Where’s my man!”


OK People mag pump the brakes on the use of the word “shame” with respect to nail polish.