
The second many formerly oppressed European groups found their way into whiteness (via public-sector jobs), they never turned back. I liken it to born-again Evangelicals; they end up being the very worst kind of Christians, because they feel like they are making up for lost time. Some of the worst, most vociferous

“It ain’t me,” Ruggiero said.

No. In royal hierarchy Queen is second to King. However if the current occupant of the throne is female they will be Queen, due to the fact King superceeds Queen in the hierarchy the husband of a Queen cannot be called King. So they are refered to something else. Phillip took the title Prince because its above Duke

Junot Diaz sexual misconduct outed on Twitter today...

Lynch mob? Go fuck yourself. Polanski is a fugitive from justice who should serve the prison sentence he was given by the court. Fuck you.

“I was too young to go through those things.”

How great would it be if random organisations started kicking him out as an act of solidarity against child rapists?

He could still be kicked out of France. That would probably be the best to do it so soon after this, that way he’s kicked while he’s down.

This lynching analogy is really awful. Cosby tried it and now R Kelly. They are not innocent black men with no power being cruelly attacked. They are powerful men who used their positions for decades to abuse - I don’t even know how many women between them. I hate it when people say someone is “playing the race

He’s been accused by 3 more women (who were assaulted as minors), so he’s in debt.

#MuteRKelly is taking off, much to my shock (I thought he’d always get a pass for what he did). I got word today that after his show in Chicago was cancelled due to public pressure, he’s now playing at a gentleman’s club in the suburbs this weekend. That’s how far he’s falling, and I love it.

A traumatic childhood, or adulthood for that matter, does not give you carte blanch to rape children. No way.

Mental illness doesn’t mean you get to rape and anally rape thirteen year old girls. Or anyone else, for that matter.

Of course he did. It was a long time ago, and he didn’t think it was fair in the first place, and he’s had tons & tons of defenders around him all the time— so he’s had almost 50 years to convince his mind that he did nothing wrong. It’s not like I believe he had to work very hard in the first place, but yeah,

Yes, but the thing is that this one pled guilty, it’s the harsh sentence he was going to get that made him run not what he’d done.

Does he have any honorary degrees?

“...he should be able to be reinstated.”

Maybe Costco can revoke his membership.

Right?! I’m so sick of his boohoo poor me routine- you’re super rich and living in fucking Paris!! STFU and enjoy life you asshole!

To the man’s house who does...