
Well, we had a reminder to tighten our handbrakes when parking on really steep inclines? So there isn’t really anything local dominating the news at the moment. We’ve had plenty of coverage of Trump in the normal news though. Can’t really escape his assholery unfortunately.

The same management that booked her on “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” presumably

Gay Twitter is FURIOUS about this. If I were her PR person I would get a full-blown anxiety attack just scrolling through my feed.

So, she doesn’t endorse Trump but she would have voted for him if she could have?

This, a million times. The shooter was an adult when the guns were seized. A parent would have zero standing... How in the hell did the police get away with giving the dad the guns? And the shooter was at the Whitehouse with the guns demanding to see the president’s not like they seized the gun on a routine

He would have gone after the cops who gave back the guns to the father, too.

“Reinking’s father later gave the guns back to his son.”

Also, James Shaw threw the gun behind the counter because he was afraid that police would immediately shoot him if they saw him anywhere near it.

If we were living in a Law & Order episode, Jack McCoy would already be charging that fuckhead dad with depraved indifference homicide for giving his shitstain son his guns back after he’d already been declared a danger. Unfortunately, we don’t live in the Law & Order universe.

Aaron said that “at the request of the FBI,” Reinking’s firearm authorization was revoked and local police seized four of his guns, which they later returned to Reinking’s father. Reinking’s father has “acknowledged” that he gave the guns back to his son, according to Aaron.

An unarmed man who rightfully feared for his life managed to wrestle a gun away from an actual deadly threat. Yet all these shook-ass cops blast away black people because...

I really wish I knew what it would take to even begin to solve the issue of guns in this country. I also hope that the father is charged with the equivalent of illegal distribution of a firearm. His son was barred from having guns and the father gave them back to him. There needs to be some sort of punishment for that.

Go after the father too.

My exact first thoughts when I saw a promo for this movie the other day! I’m sure there are many amazing actresses who are a normal size who would have been great in this movie. And that’s what Charlize is in this movie -an average normal size woman. The way she’s moaning about it, you’d think she had to become obese

A lukewarm slice of pepperoni and bacteria is another.

yeah ... like a greater than GROSS OUT. I wretch imagining that kind of cold “hot” food ... fuck that is something i cannot do.