Maybe it’s one of those scripts that reads - is really one of the most attractive women in her town with a perfect body and didn’t even know it so she’s actively working against it by having kids and a busy life.
It’s so weird. The same way filmmakers hire spectacularly beautiful women to play a plain character
The thought of just getting up and munching on unrefrigerated mac and cheese that’s been sitting by your bedside grosses me the fuck out.
Going from “I never met Putin” to having a conversation with the guy about “the most beautiful hookers” is a hell of a 180.
Nick Jonas! That is an excellent way to express young life.
Oh, THAT’S who he is? I fucking hate that song and now I can see I am right to.
Someone once said to me, in a stressful situation where the expectation to perform highly was great, said he wished he was stupid. Like, so stupid you don’t even know how stupid you are. So stupid you’re just the happiest person alive because there’s literally nothing on your mind. It sounds nice. I’m just the right…
“Body Like A Back Road” is a bad song and Sam Hunt should feel bad for foisting it, and really the rest of his music, on the public.
I understand that it doesn’t MATTER who the father of Mindy Kaling’s baby is but it also WOULDN’T SURPRISE ME if it were B.J.
Yup, same. I have fond memories of that show from my younger years. I wonder if it holds up.
Oh no! :(
No love for poor Harry Anderson?
Asking Khloe’s former-step-half-brother (or whatever you call him) for comment is basically the equivalent of asking me.
So they’re going to move it, not destroy it, because they want to “remember the darker moments in history.” Okay, fine - but is there going to be anything on or near the statue that discusses this? Is there going to be anything telling the stories of his victims? Will their voices be represented at all? If we’re going…
Sure. Because women who were born into slavery and were either lent or purchased by this monster would have the capacity to refuse consent.
Or it was because people at the time believed that black people didn’t experience pain in the same way that white people did. This probably saved Dr. Sims a lot of money:
Anesthesia was a thing during the time that Sims performed his experiments but he didn’t use it on slave women because racist beliefs at the time held that black people (and black women in particular) didn’t ‘feel pain’ in the same way that white people did. So he could have caused less damage than he did, but he was…
When the sacrifices are based on the premise that one race is less human than another, no it is not the greater good.