
Yep. I’m just old enough to remember when Madonna was SCANDALOUS! for having a sexual presentation. This was up until around ‘96, when she got into kooky religious appropriation and conspiracy theories. Before that though, people were NOT ready for her sexuality. She pissed off the Pope! She went on Letterman stoned

I saw the twirly photo last night - I have to admit I was a tiny bit disappointed he wore those black briefs, but it was definitely the correct decision.

Legend tells that the developers wanted a creative name for their technology that would wireless bring multiple devices they named it after Bluetooth: a king who united the clans of his homeland. He had a dead tooth.

Bluetooth was the nickname of Harald Gormsson, who ruled Denmark and Norway circa AD 958 to 986. And in fact the technology is his namesake, and the symbol are the runes for his initials. The more you know!

Harry Styles makes me feel like a pervy grandma.

As a Scotsman, the upside to wearing a kilt is how incredibly comfortable it can be, even in the harshest of weather, and if you know Scotland, that’s the default setting. The most annoying thing about wearing a Kilt, especially wearing it outside of the country, is the constant question of what’s under it. You can go

I love love love men in kilts. Wish there was more pix

I’m impressed that they’re wearing Prince Charlie jackets, and disappointed not to see any flashes.

Now playing

Ugh, I’m going to say something I don’t think I’ve ever said before. I owe Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick an apology.

My beloved sister-in-law inexplicably loves Taylor Swift (But her kids can’t stand her! Aren’t kids the ones who are supposed to torture their parents with awful music?) and if she dares to tell me that she likes this more than the original I’m going to make my brother to divorce her.

The movie was based on an utterly repellent book by a British author. I mention the nationality because Brit “chick-lit” authors revel in infidelity and narcissists posing as the love-lorn. There is not a single likeable person in the book. But it works because you get the fullness of each person and some background

That slutty slut should have been wearing a full burkha, clearly. Jeans and flannel are far too provocative.

How come no one ever mistakes Kevin Smith for a hockey player? Just once, I want some random stranger to go up to him, force a hockey stick into his hands, and make him play against his will.

That was, indeed, a good advice.


To be fair, you have very nice feet.

Dressing conservatively doesn’t help, I dress as a nun almost and I still receive lusty looks while I hear a man saying “I wonder what you’re hiding” or hear comments about my feet.

We definitely need more bizarre, out of nowhere genre shifts in the middle of movies. Like, what if “Last Vegas” was a stupid geezer comedy for an hour, and then Michael Douglas’ character accidentally kills the valet and spends the last 45 minutes of the movie holding his friends at gunpoint and psychologically

Most rom-coms would be 2 minutes long if effective communication and emotional intelligence were involved.

This is well-argued but I just don’t think I can accept a 2011 movie about people cheating on each other being the best superhero film of 1994.