I’ve always believed that this is the reason behind hate crimes, serial killings and all misogyny. Oh, and unfortunately, also the reason for some male suicides too.
I’ve always believed that this is the reason behind hate crimes, serial killings and all misogyny. Oh, and unfortunately, also the reason for some male suicides too.
I like Whoopi way more than I dislike her, but she says some seriously watered-down nonsense sometimes. Calling it now- she’s going to apologize for ending the discussion. Not much beyond that. But she’s going to apologize for figuratively and somewhat literally walking away from the table, ‘in a time when we need to…
Let it be remembered that George Orwell was an avowed Socialist. 1984 was about the very fascism that people like Jeff Flake may be bleating about now, but have been abetting for their entire careers. Some of the same people invoke Orwell when attempting to criticize “the Left”, all the while maintaining that…
STD insurance
I agree that it was never going to be a great comparison, and I even agree on your points a-d, but you gave a bit of my point away with this:
That’s fine, and I agree with a lot of people here that this is an infinitesimal issue to spend too much time on, but I just don’t see how mocking notoriously anti-LGBT leaders by depicting them in gay situations comes from a place where gay sex isn’t an inherently negative thing.
Only if balls touch.
Tilting at windmills is the Conservative raison d’être.
Are you guys kidding me?
Not to mention they’re really more of a sub/dom thing than a mere romance.
I think we need to get used to this being the new normal. No more petulance and bleating over ‘the way things used to be’; the time for so-called decency and the largely illusory respectability politics is well and truly over.
Putin speaks excellent English, but I think he’s also aware that -particularly when he speaks in English - his tone is very soft. So to much of the English-speaking world (so besides Mandarin, a primary business language) he wouldn’t live up to his image of power were he to speak in English.
I think you’re right. I hope you’re right. But this shit isn’t over yet.
I certainly hope so. But it bears repeating that Bob Mueller is a lifelong Republican. I don’t trust that he’s on “our side” beyond smoking out all of these obvious traitors. But it is satisfying to think he might be so reactive to the news cycle. We’re probably lionizing him too much- as with Comey - but since 2016…
“I don’t give a damn what you appreciate!” -Rowdy Gowdy(ugh)
They were checking his pulse. With a bulldozer.