Whoa! Too soon.
Whoa! Too soon.
But that’s hard!
This is actually a consistent line among Right-wingers criticizing Islam. It’s little more than concern trolling on their part. Also look for words like “regressive”.
There’s zero reason for any of this shit to get a single D vote.
And these same peoples’ supposed ideological fallback is that it’s not exploiting human beings for their labour, but merely an essential feature of the free market.
Also what she did wasn’t traitorous. It was serious and illegal and she served her time for it, but airing out our country’s dirty laundry is chores, son.
It doesn’t even need commentary, their own material is the joke.
BE BEST will concentrate on three main pillars: well-being, social media use, and opioid abuse.
We overunderestimated them.
Abort all Republicans.
Yeah, it’s not like these issues just go away if we stop believing in them, like Freddy Krueger or Jesus.
Dumb as it is, blow this story the fuck up. The average American can seemingly not grasp the staggering hypocrisy of those Republicans who claim to be fiscal conservatives all the while voting in line with budget and deficit increases, but they can hopefully understand that these utter milksops now just want free…
Not to mention that it sounds just like a Police description of someone. Not a characterization of someone in particular, but a mere attribute. I wonder how subconscious that is.
Going to call Urban Dictionary bullshit on that whole thing. “the Arabs” lol