The Bassline From Ennio Morricone's Score for The Thing (1982)

I am still blown away that some people voted for him to be president. He’s a creepy, cowardly, hypocritical clown.

I will, and I will vote blue, but lol if you think that Democrats will tackle this issue head-on when/if they wrangle a narrow majority.

Right, but it’s pretty much up to congress to write legislation to fix these issues. Sooooooooooooo

It’s well-intentioned ignorance, in my experience. Almost exactly like every self-appraised Libertarian I’ve ever come across. They’re ok with gay marriage and drug use (because “the government shouldn’t tell you what to do!!”) but they don’t like massive government waste (fucking nobody likes government waste, this

So I don’t have any straight advice for you, and I am not exactly the least misanthropic person I know, buuuut...

He says his training was to hold position, help anyone he could see evacuate, call for backup. Yeah, training after Columbine made a shift, but this particular officer was a 35 year veteran. Half of his career (perhaps the bulk of his training) was before Columbine even happened. And Officer training in the US is

Thisssssss. At the humongous intersection of conservative thought and privilege is the fact that for 99% of platforms and so-called principles, it’s just a conversation for them. Race, class, immigration, economy (on a scale of mere survival anyway), etc.- it’s just a laundry list of abstract stuff. They get to walk

Yeah, we’re hand-wringing over these details and it doesn’t solve anything. Just like the cop who was on campus being crucified by the media (and the fucking President) as a “coward” - was he supposed to charge into an active shooting scene, alone, against his training? We’ll blame anything but the fucking guns that

the public is too fucking stupid to notice it

The End! This time next year, South Africa will be Wakanda. What could go wrong?

I didn’t say they were well-regulated!

To protect their loved ones... by killin a motherfucker. Whence cometh the cheek-turning?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of a really shitty youtube channel or twitter account; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of

And then they’d be subsequently attacked by militias mistakenly assuming they were Obama’s personal shocktrooper checkpoints. It’d be a real hoot.

The Cold War did get its villain back, circa 2003.

Dozens of paleo blogs, to be sure.

We have a rotating cast of cotton cloths for the kitchen as well, but paper towels can be really invaluable still. I’m thinking things like cleaning up oil splatters, bacon grease, etc. If you use your kitchen cloths for that, the oil is going to end up in your washing machine where I think it could accumulate on

It’s almost as though the entire argument that the 2nd Amendment is a giant, red restart button on the entire country is complete and utter horseshit. Because not only does it fall apart under scrutiny, but it kind of just makes the venerated Founding Fathers seem like complete dipshits.

You know, we’ve probably never even seen Donald’s bare hands.

B-but FREEDOM! I mean I should have freedom in the form of not being afraid to send my children to school, but nah, the freedom of overcompensating insecure dudes who just ~*want*~ to possess military armaments is totally what the 2nd Amendment was referring to.