Permanent Rose

This season was really poor and thank you for standing firm and pointing it out. This is supposed to be a scary story..not a bait and switch romance. Hey, if you want a drama romance story, there are lots of options. I did not sign up for a nine hour “San Junipero” but horror instead of sci-fi take. At least San

Since Alex’s new prison is in Columbus, Piper presumably is in law school at Ohio State.

It is amazing that with the brief time they had together this season Nicky and Shani are possibly my favorite couple on the show 

I think she moved somewhere that wasn’t specified to go to law school. It ties back to her conversation with Larry: New Piper is setting out a new path that perhaps involves Alex but doesn’t revolve around Alex.

I think it was pretty clear that Piper moved to Ohio. She was working at restaurant and living in a place with her own tiny kitchen. She chose to literally move away from her family and the place where muscle memory made it easy to drop in on Larry, to be where she lived “clean” of her old life, and with Alex, as

Alex and McCullough getting together should have been significantly hotter than it actually was (and I actually like both of them). Just not feeling it, to my surprise.

I loved how happy Zirconia was about getting a 69 on her GED practice test, despite, as the instructor pointed out, that barely being a passing grade

Thanks for reading! I’m curious: do you think Piper has moved to Ohio in order to be closer to Alex, or that she regularly visits Alex in Ohio? Because they were never really clear on that, at least as far as I’m concerned.

I have to disagree with the review on the Aleida/Piper comparison. I think the difference between them wasn’t the support network, especially since Aleida was in a much better place in her life than Piper before she violated her parole and Hopper actively wanted to stop the drug trafficing. Rather the difference, at

I realise it’s a huge cast but the fact that Danielle Brooks or Adrienne C Moore have never been singled out for individual awards attention is a bigger crime than anyone’s committed in Litchfield [well, maybe not the murdery ones].

If I’d been on a date with a guy who grilled the waitperson about the provenance of the fish, I’d look around for the Portlandia film crew. And then I’d never go out with him again. That was obnoxious.

Was that Alison Brie using her Zoya the Destroyer voice as Laika?