Permanent Rose

Haha I only started watching for the romance, funnily enough! I usually don’t enjoy watching the horror genre, especially if I know I’ll be watching it alone, so when I heard that it was meant to be a love story more than a ghost story, I was sold. I can be quite sentimental when the mood strikes. I do think that’s

I would say that Midge’s treatment of her kids comes off the way it does since the show doesn’t want to bother to fill in pointless scenes with her kids, as many shows have done with child actors in the past. They exist but for the sake of the show, they’re always conveniently hovering just out of sight. BUT we never

It was a bold choice to not include any of the five main characters in this mid season finale, but Bojack pulled it off as usual and set up a devastating scenario with the news Hollyhock is hearing. Bojack himself is doing so well, so it only makes sense to throw some stumbling blocks his way for the rest of the

Princess Carolyn has always been one of my favorite characters. She really does have so many admiral qualities and she works so hard, and seeing her finally adopting Ruthie and getting into a good routine with her and her work life has been so rewarding. BUT she has been somewhat of a problematic fave at some points

I wonder if the name Ruthie will stick. I was getting rather fond of calling her Untitled Princess Carolyn Project

I actually like honeydew....

I like this interpretation. It has Piper taking a healthier, less obsessive approach to her relationship with Alex without giving up on the person she loves most. 

“Let the record show I watched and sang-along to the theme song for every episode this season, so screw you, “Skip Intro.” (Did even the haters let this version play once it was immediately clear they had made an orchestrated version of “You’ve Got Time” for the occasion? Or were you all heartless and skipped it

The cell phone situation in this prison is out of control. Alex literally talks on hers in broad daylight and Lorna was constantly uploading stuff to instagram without any of the guards noticing or caring. I don’t get how they aren’t getting caught daily. Remember how rare and coveted a flip phone was back in the

I had the same complaint with that detail. The only thing I can think is that she didn’t report the job she got to her parole officer (would make sense since things blew up with her family basically immediately after the job) and Cindy is living under the radar while she can, which is inevitably a very stupid choice

I felt like Fig was a bit out of character this episode. It’s been very rare for us to see her offer sincere sympathy towards anyone on this show, and I just didn’t buy that she would go to those lengths for a woman she doesn’t even know. She’s just never shown enough consistent compassion for me to buy it.

I think I can give up on my Piper/Alex happy ending fantasy. Unless the show is going to have this bring them closer together, which I’m doubting. Piper says it to Larry at dinner, that being in a relationship with someone in prison isn’t easy, and when Piper got released last season, I had my doubts about their

I was just really sad for Nicky this whole episode. Right as she’s finding happiness in an unexpected relationship, the two people who are the closest thing to family she has start falling apart and she’s feeling guilty even though there is honestly nothing more she could have done for Red or Lorna. And now Shani is

I was starting to like Caputo for a little bit there, and his interactions with Taystee reminded me that this character has had his few redeeming moments, but at his core, he’s just a sad horny man who is really quite pathetic.

I agree about Alex and McCullough. I was digging the sexual tension more last episode when they kissed, but after McCullough poured her sad little heart out to Alex, it just ended up feeling more like Alex was taking pity on her and wanted to comfort f*ck her. Definitely doesn’t seem worth potentially messing up her

Comparing Aleida and Piper’s differing experiences post prison is interesting.

I agree, it was somewhat satisfying to see Alex and McCullough hook up after all that tension - slow unbuttoning, lingering looks, fingers brushing against skin...

This season honestly feels like fanfiction of season 1 to further examine how the characters would’ve dealt with the aftermath of something like this, but it’s completely unnecessary and it lacks any true focus.

I’m sad about Madeline’s marriage falling apart like this. I guess the show wanted to add some more drama to her life because in the novel, she didn’t have an affair and her family was very cute and functional (aside from Abigail’s little stunt). Madeline just got involved in everyone else’s drama and always put her

I always thought it would be hilarious for Vincent to *actually* be a real adult and to take off his trench coat to reveal a lumpy, unstable body.