
That’s quite a hallucination you’re having. Can I have some of what you’re having?

Michelle Obama is not classically beautiful, not in any sense.

They’re both elements of your DNA that never change. In the same category of saying you’re a blonde because you dye your brunette hair. Equally dumb as saying you’re not white when you are, or saying you’re actually a girl when you have a dick you chopped off. Super simple stuff.

Nah, your argument about physical body parts is easily countered by the idea of changing one’s skin tone. That doesn’t make you a different race just like chopping off your dick doesn’t make you a woman.

You do realize that there is no difference, they’re both equally worthy of being labeled psychological disorders, but that the current liberal zeitgeist will force 95% of the commenting base here to go into a heavy state of cognitive dissonance and hallucinate reasons why there is a rational distinction?

Gender is encoded into your DNA - it’s the definition of hereditary.

Or, you’re the one under cognitive dissonance because the only merits you can see are colors of skin.

shut up dude it’s a fucking car blog

Raises* the question. It does not beg the question.

DeVos wants to allow poor children from bad neighborhoods access to higher quality schools, allowing more income mobility later in life. Progressives have convinced you she is bad so that her ideas do not become law. They don’t want the poor kids with their special children. Samantha Bee is guilty of this. Her and

“Nevermind the fact that the 40-yard dash has little predictive value as to whether a player will succeed in the NFL”

It’s just a double standard. Where were all the celebrities when Obama killed civilians in third world countries via drones in record numbers?

It means that they’re greedy bitches who don’t care about other women so long as they get paid.

probably not there, but the Berserk Figma stuff has been pretty sick

I feel like Bald guy gave Beatty a paper cut with that snatch.

Why wouldn’t you just get a 911 Turbo S instead? Makes no sense.

I liked the first one a lot but as you gained abilities and progressed, the game became comically easy

I think the softening of the chassis, the embiggening of the weight, and the uglifying of the exterior will help make my 2014 Fiesta ST a classic. I was worried it would get dwarfed by the new one. Someone who bought the Fiesta over the Focus wants a lighter car. This thing added too much weight and size. Interior

You’re the guy using the r-word. Meanie.

k. You’re a meek Asian guy.