
But Bill Barnwell sucks?

I don’t really get why people get degrees they won’t be able to pay off soon after with a lucrative job. What is the point of college if not to get a good job afterwards?

What is not independent media - forcing all of your subsidiary blogs to go along with your cognitive dissonant illusion that Trump is Hitler

Right, Kushner himself planned the way the vest was used.

it’s a raptor claw bruh

You do realize this never actually happened, right?

Kaepernick is a bad QB who can’t read a defense, has hands much smaller than Donald Trump’s, and has a baseball-pitcher windup that is much worse and telegraphed and Tebow’s ever was. He’s not a good QB, in fact he’s a very very bad QB.

best kind of performance art

IDK why but Fichtner just gives off an aura of precision. He would be amazing in a watch commercial.

works better if you don’t have blue hair

I like Harp and buy it occasionally. I also am the most boring beer drinker ever, and only really like European lagers, like Amstel, Stella, Harp, Sagres, Peroni, etc.

I didn’t know they leaked more nude pics. Now I know. Thanks Jezebel, you effectively leaked these yourself. Pretty disrespectful to these affected women imo.

Michael Brown is a thug robber who attacked a cop. Nothing in this article, nor the new “revelations” contradict these facts.

I always wanted a straight-cut gearbox in my SVO

This guy thinks that a gym locker room is the same thing as a sports team locker room. You guys see how dumb that is, right?

Yea, successful people get their phones comped. Jealous?

Wish it was nicer looking, that thing is hideous

I really liked Picasa

The better microcosm is how hard you’ll try to make anything into a narrative that befits you.

Do you know how many white kids are called ‘yo white boi’ and further insults based off of that structure, every single day in mixed high school classes by black kids? And how teachers don’t want to agitate the inherently-more-violent said black kids?