
Well first, Asian men are weak, so it’s easier to make fun of them. Most people are much more afraid of a black dude than a meek Asian dude.

1. Her neighbors don’t yell the n-word at her husband. She made that up.

Don’t care about his stats. He was healthy when the Bulls had a nice playoff run, and was too much of a pussy to play for his team. Was literally cleared as healthy weeks before - wouldn’t play. Derrick Rose is a gigantic pussy with no heart.

Stephen, I’m afraid you’re suffering from a case of cognitive dissonance. Trump says that he wants to help out African Americans, but your brain can’t process that against your irrationally held belief that he just wants to ban everyone from entering the country, especially Muslims.

This article is why people hate liberals. You’re mad at Bill Maher for not being left enough on his own show. Two of his guests were cursing at Milo, because they don’t have anything intelligent to say.

You keep your college transcripts? lol

What was the specific hate that Milo said on the show?

I like you

At least in Overwatch a cheater can be beaten due to the rock-paper-scissors nature of the game. In CS:GO, a pretty low-skilled cheater will have no problem beating a team of the best pros.

- Victims say Revis grabbed the phone from one man in an attempt to delete the video, then threw the phone into Carson Street.

I guess we’re pretending that Jokic isn’t a better player than Wiggins.

Tucker Carlson is getting great ratings.

Umm, OoT is probably the best game ever created. It should be number 1 here.

The makeup girl is doing a poor and inconsistent job. The end.

oooh oooh I got it! They’re all unaborted people. Easy one.

As someone who has vehemently supported virtually everything Trump has done so far, including all other cabinet picks.... yea I’m pretty sure Devos is not the best choice. Please find someone better.

Good. Tons of other countries do this. Stop listening to Hamilton Nolan. This site leans way too Left for a fucking automotive site.

Shut up Megs.

What he really must hate is how shitty literally every single playoff game, except for DAL/GB, has been. Can’t remember a postseason this awful.

It’s almost as if D.C. is one of the bluest districts in the country in a heavily populated area.