
So basically the past 8 years?

The current economy is inflated due to QE1,QE2, and QE3. I for one am happy to pay half my current tax obligation once Trump gets his tax code going.

Wish they would move the CA smog exemption back 10 years to at least 1985 model year. It’s kind of ridiculous to get a 1980 vehicle smogged when it is driven for 1500 miles per year.




Really terribly designed vacuum FYI. You can’t use the extension when the cord isn’t completely unwound. Which sucks, because it doesn’t have an automatic cord retractor. Really want to emphasize this is a badly designed vacuum.

Really terribly designed vacuum FYI. You can’t use the extension when the cord isn’t completely unwound. Which

Cool hallucination, where can I get some of that trippy cognitive dissonance you’re on right now?

sidenote, the word “streetwear” is really gay

Friendly reminder that Elizabeth Warren lied about her ethnic background to get ahead. She went from Rutgers to Harvard simply because she’s a fauxcahontas.

Yea it’s crazy that people who cross HRC end up killing themselves by shooting the back of their head three times. Crazy!

1993 Thunderbird is literally the most comfortable car I’ve ever driven.

Roadhog mains are salty af because their training wheels hero got taken down a peg.

Because this is jezebel, and people with those views get shadowbanned.

Did you watch his confirmation hearing? Or did you just accept soundbites you’ve heard about him?

Irrelevant, as he already said he’s recuse himself of anything related to HRC.

Are you literally shaking?

No way it implodes. It’s by far the best service in NA. There are three competitors - CEVO - garbage, Faceit, hot garbage, and VALVE MM - steaming hot pile of garbage.

Just a couple corrections - it’s called ESEA, not “the ESEA”. Literally no one calls it that.

Well, without the loaded language, why should the employer of someone providing 10 units of value be forced at gunpoint to pay that person 15 units worth of value?

Why? The money invested from which capital gains are extracted has already been taxed.