Wish I could be in the crowd to ruin it
Wish I could be in the crowd to ruin it
Elon Musk’s hair plugs are like whoa
God she’s gorgeous. It’s funny how gorgeous women are usually conservative. Can’t wait till she’s the first female president!
Weird, I thought Trump was anti-Semitic. Hard to reconcile that with a Jewish son-in-law and a Jewish daughter.
Good, CNN and the Failing New York Times are garbage, along with NBC.
I never really get what’s going on in overwatch clips. They just look like a sloppy mess compared to precision shooters like CS:GO
Wonder if the next recession will be caused by Trump, who’s already lifted the markets, or as eventual fallout from the gigantic money printing press than Obama OK’d in QE.
When are you going to stop pearl clutching at made up stories pushed by an embarrassed MSM? This is getting sad.
Hey Drew, remember when you said Donald Trump would get his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton?
That’s a face of one big, billion-dollar LOSER. HAHAHA! She lost! HAHAHAH!
made in china. get ready for lemons.
I hate HOAs, and I hate bitchy neighbors, but... a gigantic trailer does seem like an eyesore.
I just hope he sticks around to drain the Cowboy’s salary. He’s still getting paid a shitload.
It’s kind of lame to judge someone based on their supporters. For instance, Hillary was supported by ISIS.
“Don’t ever let anyone tell you being a fighter is easy.”
You can’t just keep claiming more and more normal English words are offensive. Posse is not offensive. Thug is not offensive. You’re just an entitled baby with.
Drew remember when you were super wrong about Trump losing? Remember how wrong you were?
At the last minute. He had Trump at 10% or less the vast majority of the runup, which was comically wrong. Also, his name isn’t Nate Silver, it’s Nate Dirt.
He gets to immediately challenge adjacent title holders when the title holder is weak, without any sort of investment other than the title fight. Kinda shitty and not that impressive, actually.