snore... no one cares.
snore... no one cares.
“The development begs the question”
Just to make sure I have it straight, Trump wins a campaign with a female campaign manager for the first time, but since you want abortions it doesn’t count?
As a casual watcher, can someone tell me why I’m wrong when I say that he gets preferential treatment and just gets handed the opportunity to fight for the belt, outside of his division, against a weak title holder, without having to go through the gauntlet that others must in order to contend for the title?
Wow a liberal who gets it. Bravo!
It’s weird because I’ve never been so hard in my life. These liberal tears are the best aphrodisiac I’ve ever experienced. I feel like I’m 17 again.
If you really think your contraceptives will be taken away from you...
Guys! Can you help me be clever and subversive? I need help supporting minorities and counter-culture! I’m hip!
Good thing we have liberals to tell us the right way to think.
Still waiting for the quote that Trump said that was racist.
Yea, African Americans are getting heckled in the streets. Does anyone actually believe this propaganda?
Or it’s because he values comfort over conforming to the latest suit style trends. He’s rich enough to do whatever he wants and still fuck hot models. But yea, I’m sure your suits fit you well though, kudos.
I’ve been on a healthy diet of liberal tears. Please, keep throwing adult temper tantrums as I haven’t been this hard in ten years.
God these tears are so tasty. Please keep them coming!
All hail the glorious god-emperor.
Drew, remember how you said that Trump would get his ass beat? Remember how wrong you were? Member?
No, the only reason is the revolving door. But sure, keep trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about.
Can’t wait, based god Trump is so awesome. The best part is watching you crybabies throw temper tantrums. So enjoyable. MMMMMM your sweet tears sustain me.
I love the implication that he wouldn’t have won the popular vote if that was what decided the election. The entire campaign strategy would have changed. Get fucked. Get fucked hard.
Feels so good to win and watch this bullshit liberal bias crumble down. Fuck you deadspin for your partisan, shill, hack writers. Get fucked and keep getting fucked.