
Get fucked Drew.

“nominal competitor, FS1"

Seems like Fox and NBC are fighting back, offering most of their live content online. CBS is slow to the game (of course) but they too are joining the online streaming concept.

I loved my GMC Jimmy of the era, 1986 I think. It had the 2.8L, which was slower than dirt, although still faster than my friend’s Camaro of the same era with the same engine. His was carbureted though.

Nah they’re just tired of Clinton Corruption. But your hallucinated narrative is noted.

ewwww Kevin James

Shut up.

Pretty big difference between someone who is obviously on one side vs. someone who rigged the primary elections and pretends to be loyal to the DNC, when she put HRC ahead of DNC. But sure, your lack of nuance is noted.

California doesn’t care if your car is falling apart so long as its tailpipe is clean

I’m an Eagles fan, hate the foreskins, but still have to watch that Kirk Cousins vine at least 10 times whenever I run into it.

If you actually care about the quality, these are going to disappoint you.

If you actually care about the quality, these are going to disappoint you.

Not a fan of bland brand-engineered design and breaking fuel pumps?

You do realize that Trump is pro-Israel and HRC is not?

When people said paint I thought you meant the whole legs were just a painting. Then realized the white stripes are just the paint marks, now it’s super obvious. They looked good and oily to me at first.

It’s weird how literally everywhere else I go claims that Gingrich wrecked her, which he obviously did, and yet here you are, in cognitive dissonance, thinking Megyn somehow won the exchange.

I’d have already bought one if you guys weren’t shilling so obviously for Hillary. Shit is really lame.

Would you rather live for eternity in purgatory or be a Texans fan?

Maybe the pros that couldn’t beat Bastion aren’t really that good?

That’s cute that you think 140 hours is a lot.

Looks kind of shitty actually. Cue the TSLA stock holders to tell me that I’m wrong and Musk is a genius who will revolutionize Earth.