
Anyone who has dealt with this stuff with their aging parents will recognize the evasiveness, secrecy and reluctance to accept outside help as being extremely common and just part of the immense stress and heartache of seeing elderly parents deal with a progressive disease. I mean, I guess it could also be a sign of

Also, the “right to petition the government” doesn’t mean what I think you think it means.

When my family moved into Navy Officer’s Housing in San Diego in 1966 there were a lot of unhappy white people in the neighborhood. My father was stationed in Vietnam at the time when my mother moved her five children including 9-year-old me, into that all-white neighborhood. I was called “nigger” by more than a few

The captions and narration on the video (couldn’t finish it) make me uncomfortable.  Referring to the “inner woman” of a 5 year old resembles how abusers talk about children.  They are all beautiful girls, but I hear and see objectification in how they are presented here.

I think this is easily the best of these classic sitcom revivals. There are a lot of bitter people that can’t separate the politics from the fact that this show pretty much exactly captures the tone of the original run of the show. It’s great so far.

the most pronounced angling for relevance is in its decision to make protagonist Roseanne Connor a Trump supporter

It should be remembered that Democrats won the HoD overwhelmingly based on just the votes cast, but due to the districts drawn will now be a 49-51 minority. Gerrymandering sucks.

There aren’t many days when we Floridians get to laugh at others over elections. Thanks for this.

Exactly this. A ballot in clear violation of the marking rules, and yet it somehow was determined to be a GOP vote.

It does seem like that, honestly.

not even cynicism. Some of the writers here ( like this one ) just seem to actually hate any white person 

Have you never seen Spartacus?

Same. It’s just... hateful.

Seriously. The cynicism here on The Root is a bit much for this black man.

I hate that I need to repeat this (a position that I KNOW you are intimately familiar with, Mr Harriot!) BUT:

I dont get the outrage. Being Black myself, I applauded her. She pretty much called the school out and others on their bullshit and exposed the stark contrast between Black and White. She never claimed to be an activist or anything like that. She saw the double standard, and proved that it existed.

Serious question, what are wypipo supposed to do in a situation like this? Not say anything publicly? I feel like our reaction to this comes off as hating. She’s critical of white supremacy, she points out a contradiction and I’d never heard of this story until you reported it, now I want to know how Colgate is going