
Well, the fact that they had to lower the amount they were asking for and that they’ve only gotten like 1700 bucks so far tells me it’s not just me who thinks they’re cheeky for wanting to exploit the attention their story received for cash. Homeless people are all alone in the world. These 2 have family and friends,

Who said they can’t ask for money? But just like they’re free to ask for money, the fact that they’re doing it in public means the public will also have the right to say what they think about it. Some people have no issue with it and others think they’re shameless moochers and will say so. C’est la fucking vie.

Look, accidents happen. Doesn’t mean turning to strangers on the Internet is the solution. Also, there’s the morning after pill, abortion, adoption... There are options.

I think the fact that more people doing it doesn’t legitimize it, it just means more assholes are getting in on it, and that humans are even worse than I originally thought. But I’m grumpy and old like that.

I didn’t know you had to pay to have an opinion! No one mentioned that law to me but now that I know, I’ll remember to only have opinions on issues with financial implications for me.

Yes, and I also think they’re greedy assholes. Your point?

So the answer is to ask other people for money? Please. They had a surprise kid. The only difference between them and the millions of people who choose to have kids despite not being anywhere near financially ready is that they didn’t know they were pregnant. They’re from Canada. Canada, unlike the US, has a decent

Mark, you don’t need the quotation marks around the word ‘greedy’. She’s greedy. Yes, the people responding to her are assholes but that doesn’t change the fact that she and her boyfriend are greedy pigs who wanted to mooch 10x more than their medical expenses actually were out of people dumb enough to donate to shady

Or, you know, it could be that yes, she’s a pregnant woman (or was) but she’s also a greedy asshole who thought she could get the internet to give her 10x more money than her medical expenses in Japan actually cost?

Really? They’re asking for 10x more than their medical expenses actually cost but the trolls are the people berating them for their greed and poor life choices?

Some of the responses were sanctimonious but I still think they’re way bigger assholes for thinking they could ask people on the internet for money to help raise their oops baby. I believe that she didn’t know she was pregnant (though I believe *didn’t know* includes the very likely scenario that she was in some deep

I think people are just switching to whatsapp instead of email for their chain joke needs.

I have no idea. Like I said, not a lawyer. I don’t know if he was ever offered a plea deal or how this sentence came about. I think that, as far as rape convictions are concerned, the fact that he has to serve (including time served) two years in jail and register as a sex offender for life is actually not too bad but

I imagine there are lots of different reasons why. I’m not a lawyer but I would guess the following: There’s time served, he’s young so hopefully he can be rehabilitated, the fact that it’s it’s his first offence and he didn’t have a criminal record prior to this, pleading no contest (not a guilty plea but also not a

This isn’t going to make you feel any better (sorry) but it’s not just the police. This type of chain email and jokes is pretty typical of A LOT of people, mostly baby boomers and older (silver surfers) but not just them. I think when you move in fairly progressive and privileged circles you aren’t really exposed to

You obviously haven't spent a lot of time in the comments at Jezebel.

It sounds like the one of the french terms: amérindien.

Why do you feel the need to tell women that if they’re not angry it’s because they’re doing it wrong?

It’s one thing to feel anger (we all do), it’s another to act in anger. Plus, I clearly said I was speaking only for myself.

Which is why I said “speaking to myself”. I never claimed to speak for others. And in MY case, I find acting in anger usually gets shitty results.