So what you’re saying is all these women are assholes, except maybe the Pamella Roland one who wears a suit?
So what you’re saying is all these women are assholes, except maybe the Pamella Roland one who wears a suit?
(Almond milk is still gross, though.)
This doesn’t make me hate the Apple watch, it makes me hate the assholes who use this app regardless of medium.
Full statement. Not a lot of information but slightly less cryptic than the post and tweet above.
Right... so you’re ok with Palestinian or Northern Irish terrorism?
Um, no offence but feminist definitions of “safe spaces” go way beyond whether or not a place is actually danger. They need to be able to control who will be there and I’m pretty sure they would want to exclude not just anyone who posed any kind of real danger but also anyone who doesn’t espouse their exact same…
Are you fucking kidding me? And where were those cops’ fathers while they were growing up and were supposed to learn important lessons like, oh, I don’t know, “thou shalt not kill” and “racism is bad”?
Of course not! Did you read what I wrote? I never defended the frat. And besides, two wrongs don’t make a right. I think she’s right to have reservations about the frat having a march but I think you also can’t tell anyone what they can and can’t march against and trying to makes you look like an asshole and is…
Thank you! Bullshit about trigger warnings and safe spaces only serves to turn people off, even other feminists. I see that jargon and I know that’s not an organisation/group that I would be in any way compatible with, and it makes me run in the opposite direction. They’re like the militant vegans of the feminist…
Yeah well, we may not like it but PR and impressions matter, especially when you’re trying to bring people to your side of an issue. I’m on Grainger’s side - in theory. In practice, if I were a student at that school I wouldn’t be supporting her either because the way she’s going about it is fucked up and is helping…
However, even the worst shithead can “march against sexual assault.” It’s difficult—let’s say, impossible—to regulate bad looks. And the march happened last Sunday, 9 to 11 a.m., and if the event description is correct, it was silent.
I think it’s pointless and anachronistic and if colleges can’t get rid of it, they should at least question their official affiliation to them.
Thanks for this, Jia. It is indeed appalling. That video is amazing.
Because people don’t want to put themselves in harm’s way? Not all the protesters there are violent but enough of them are that it represents a risk to everyone. I wouldn’t go either, no matter how appalling I think Freddie Gray’s murder is. I also don’t see why concern or condemnation of the violence needs to be…
I also think it is quite telling that one of the latest pieces of artwork about slavery that really touched the public consciousness—-12 Years a Slave—-had very little involvement from African Americans either on the directorial, producing, or acting sides.
Personally I’m sick of historical biopics regardless of the subject (they’re always a letdown) but I could watch Viola Davis read the Yellow Pages and love it so I guess I’ll be watching this movie.
Thank you. Jezebel’s obsession with IA is beyond ridiculous and they need to get over it.
I think that even if it does turn out that Baltimore’s police force has more black officers than white and it isn’t a case like, say, Ferguson’s police force, it won’t really matter. This goes beyond specific incidents and is about generalised anger that has spread across the country. There have just been too many…