

I would give her the benefit of the doubt - maybe she was just venting frustration from a really bad day/week? I have a close friend who works with autistic children and holy shit it’s hard, I don’t know how she does it and I know it’s often frustrating, exhausting and sometimes depressing. If you work with autistic

Seriously. Facebook even has tutorials to teach people how to make their shit private and knowing that you don’t post shit about your job on facebook seems like basic knowledge, but then this woman also thought it was a good idea to write a man’s name across her boob so I have a feeling she’s not up on her basic

And there are enough people out there who love kids and who are a good fit for these types of jobs. I get that people need jobs but even if I were desperate, I’d rather clean houses or wait tables than deal with large groups of screaming children.

Seriously. I could never work with kids. Ever. I love my nieces and nephews and most of my friends’ kids (some are assholes due to shitty parenting but that’s another story) but I don’t want any of my own and large groups of small children are basically my idea of a nightmare. And that’s fine. But I’m not going to go

Yeah, I can see how this could be interpreted as unfair toward this woman. At the same time, the bitchy part of me can’t help but think, she’s probably not the sharpest tool in the box and judging from the dumb facebook post about her job on the first day, the cleavage tattoo and face piercings, something tells me she

Wait, are you seriously saying that only white feminists do this and that feminist WOC don’t make it all about what affects WOC? Seriously? Why not just admit that both sides are doing the same thing? I don’t know, I lurked for years on Jez before beginning to comment and I just can’t help but think there’s something

Maybe. The point is, blaming “white feminists” for 4chan trolls and the failure of a shitty and confusing twitter hashtag that made little to no sense isn’t exactly conducive to unity in feminism, frankly it just reeks of convenient scapegoating. The two women should at least own that their hashtag sucked and that

I just think that there is never any criticism of feminists of colour and yet white women are regularly and sometimes unfairly (though not always, and I’m the first to admit the criticism is very valid in some cases) taken to task in feminist circles. Must be nice to be so perfect you don’t need to look inward or

I’m a feminist but I stopped being a part of feminist organisations or frequenting feminist spaces on the Internet because I felt like they were more interested in infighting and attacking their own than dealing with real issues. I finally decided to stop lurking on Jezebel but we’ll see how long that lasts...

I know, right? Who'd have thunk?

Ever stop to think that the problem is that they’re young, and not about race? I know plenty of young feminist WOC who are just as naive, clueless and idealistic, maybe in different ways than their white counterparts. They’ll grow up and learn too (hopefully) but ultimately all that matters is that they’re on board

Yeah, who cares about sexism and the patriarchy, fight the real enemy: pretty, middle class white women... Because we need more infighting.

This is Jezebel. Do you think they’d waste an opportunity to blame “white feminists” for everything? Even something that is the fault of 4chan trolls?

Agreed. Long time lurker and only now starting to comment but I just wanted to say, it’s good to see you writing for ROYGBIV again, Kat! I’ve missed your writing.

I think you need to work through your issues and respect your father’s choices and the fact that he moved on. I lost my father when i was 25 and I wish my mother would start dating again and find someone she loves enough to get married again. No one will replace the parent you lost but you have to be mature enough to

There is so much wtf in this story.